Bible Questions And Answers

I’ll help you find the answers you are looking for in the Bible. I invite you to ask a question, or view past Bible questions and answers in the archive.

Do We Obtain Salvation By Faith Alone?

We are saved by faith alone, however, it cannot be empty faith. You’re going to learn, that faith and works are intertwined, and we are even judged by our works.

Do We Obtain Salvation By Faith Alone?

We are saved by faith alone, however, it cannot be empty faith. You’re going to learn, that faith and works are intertwined, and we are even judged by our works.

Was Melchizedek Jesus?

Jesus never said or implied He was Melchizedek. Nevertheless, portions of Christianity try and force Scripture to fit this narrative which doesn’t hold water. I’ll explain.

Why Did Jesus Die For Us?

God required blood sacrifice so the people would remember and feel the burden of their sin every year. Jesus fulfilled this, providing eternal redemption for all.

Why Did Jesus Say, Turn The Other Cheek?

When Jesus said turn the other cheek, it refers to our faith, He was teaching against senseless revenge. Jesus was not saying we cannot defend ourselves, we can and should.

What Is The Rapture?

The rapture belief states, Christians are removed from earth before the Tribulation. I will discuss the various beliefs and explain why they are not Biblical.

Are All Sins Equal?

Are All Sins Equal?

All sins are not the same. However, once we sin we become a transgressor of God’s Law. We will find out there are varying punishments for various sins.

When Was Satan Cast Out Of Heaven?

When Was Satan Cast Out Of Heaven?

While Satan once roamed the earth, he is presently bound in Heaven. In the future, Satan will be cast from Heaven to earth which initiates the Tribulation.

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