Bible Study

I use the King James Bible for topical and verse by verse Bible studies. I also reference the Strong’s Concordance so you can understand the meaning of words. This will greatly enhance your understanding of the Bible.

Christian Passover 2024

I’m going to discuss the original passover, and explain how Jesus fulfilled it through His sacrifice on the cross. I’ll also provide a calendar so you understand when Christian Passover begins.

Christian Passover 2024

I’m going to discuss the original passover, and explain how Jesus fulfilled it through His sacrifice on the cross. I’ll also provide a calendar so you understand when Christian Passover begins.

What Does The Bible Say About Easter?

What Does The Bible Say About Easter?

Easter actually refers to the pagan “fertility goddess of spring.” This perversion crept into Christianity thanks to a mistranslation in the KJV Bible. I’ll tell you all about it.

The Last Supper With Jesus Christ

Jesus Became Our Passover Lamb

Passover in the Bible goes back to the time of Moses and blood sacrifice. Yet, Jesus Christ fulfilled the sacrifice by becoming our Passover Lamb.

1 Thessalonians

We’ll learn about the trials of the Thessalonians, and how they relate to us. We’ll also discover how we gather back together with Jesus, and signs that precede His return.

The Synagogue Of Satan

Jesus made a religious statement in Revelation 2:9. It concerned the Jews of the synagogue who denied Christ, while claiming to be of God, absolute blasphemy.

The Hour Of Temptation

We explain when the Hour of Temptation takes place, and how it ties to the 70 Weeks of Daniel. We also discuss the Great Apostasy, and the actual length of the Tribulation.

James 5

We learn to be patient until the coming of the Lord. Never grudging one another. Instead, we are to confess our faults and pray for each other.

The Timeline Of The Tribulation

The Tribulation will be an unprecedented time in world history. We take you through the Revelation timeline to understand the events of the Last Days.

James 3

We learn our tongue is full of deadly poison which is manifest through our words. We curse men and bless God, these are not the righteous acts of a Christian.

The Lesson Of Pentecost Day

On Pentecost Day, the Holy Spirit delivered the miracle of the cloven tongue. This led to thousands accepting Jesus, and provided a lesson for the Last Days.

James 2

We discover faith without works is dead. Applying works to our faith means we love our neighbors, help family, and never respect someone by their appearance.

The Fall Of Lucifer

Lucifer fell from his position of power by desiring God’s Throne. This was unforgivable and led to Lucifer’s death sentence which he still awaits.

James 1

We learn to ask God for wisdom and not waiver in our belief. Setting our mind on the things above, not on earthly pleasures ensures we receive a crown of life.

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