John Bolton Promises Regime Change In Iran Before 2019

If you do recognize the name, John Bolton is US President Donald Trump’s new National Security Advisor. Back in 2005, Bolton served in George Bush’s cabinet as the Ambassador to the United Nations. The first time I ever heard Bolton speak, it was clear, he is a warmonger who would love nothing more than to destroy the regime in Iran. That has been his mission and goal for at least 10 years now.

When he left politics, he continued his rants against Iran as a Fox News analyst.

I always thought to myself, if this guy ever gets back into office, that would be a clear sign, to myself anyway that war with Iran would be on the horizon. When we reported just weeks ago that Bolton was recruited to Trump’s cabinet, it became apparent, the tides were changing in the Middle East.

Then Donald Trump claimed he wanted to pull out of Syria and just days later the US would launch the biggest bombing campaign against Syria that we have ever witnessed.

For all intents and purposes, Syria is finished. It will not take a lot more to complete the prophecy concerning Isaiah 17:1.

So the Path to Persia now begins to come into focus, something the globalists have been working towards for more years than any of us may realize.

Donald Trump has made it quite clear, he does not agree with the Iranian nuclear agreement and could very well kill the deal in May of this year. Understanding that and what we have laid out so far, read this quote from The Intercept,

Rob Malley, who coordinated Middle East policy in the Obama administration, observed that Bolton’s appointment, along with the nomination of Iran deal critic Mike Pompeo as secretary of state, seemed to signal that the agreement would most likely be “dead and buried” within months. Trita Parsi, leader of the National Iranian American Council wrote on Twitter: “People, let this be very clear: The appointment of Bolton is essentially a declaration of war with Iran. With Pompeo and Bolton, Trump is assembling a WAR CABINET.

The “selection” of Donald Trump was no accident, as we said months ago, “our Father will select the candidate that will fulfill His Word“.

We should always remember and understand that. It is our Heavenly Father that ultimately decides who reigns over a nation, (Daniel 2:21).

We are going to quote The Intercept once more,

Just eight months ago, at a Paris gathering, Bolton told members of the Iranian exile group, known as the Mujahedeen Khalq, MEK, or People’s Mujahedeen, that the Trump administration should embrace their goal of immediate regime change in Iran and recognize their group as a “viable” alternative.

“The outcome of the president’s policy review should be to determine that the Ayatollah Khomeini’s 1979 revolution will not last until its 40th birthday,” Bolton said. (The 40th anniversary of the Iranian revolution will be on February 11, 2019.) “The declared policy of the United States should be the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime in Tehran. The behavior and the objectives of the regime are not going to change and, therefore, the only solution is to change the regime itself. And that’s why, before 2019, we here will celebrate in Tehran!

You should understand the MEK (Mujahedeen Khalq or People’s Mujahedeen) are Iranian dissidents who have spent 30 years trying to overthrow the current Iranian government. You can hear this statement from John Bolton’s own mouth here.

What I find interesting is this statement was made 8 months ago and this is the first I have heard about it.

So the question must be asked, will regime change actually occur by the end of this year?

That is highly unlikely, but combine the appointment of John Bolton, his record, and Trump’s position on Iran and these are clear indicators that things are about to change on the world’s stage. It appears we are changing directions prophetically speaking.

This, of course, brings us to our Bible study, “The Timeline of the Tribulation,” specifically, Chapter 2 titled, “Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat.”

I want to quote the opening of this chapter,

As we begin Chapter 2 of this study we should understand we are under the power of the sixth kingdom. It is this kingdom that will receive a Deadly Wound as we outlined in the previous Chapter. In this Chapter we will discuss Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat of Daniel 8 both historically and presently, analyzing what it means for us today and in the near future. The conflict in Daniel 8 is an event that will transpire just before we see the rise of the Ten Kings of the Earth, the Ten Clay Kings from Chapter 1 of this study which occurs before the Tribulation of Satan. In fact, it is this conflict that gives rise to these Ten Clay Kings.

We live in exciting times my friends, the end times. Open those Bibles and always keep your Heavenly Father close in prayer, the hour draws closer by the day.

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