Bible Questions And Answers

I’ll help you find the answers you are looking for in the Bible. I invite you to ask a question, or view past Bible questions and answers in the archive.

Was Melchizedek Jesus?

Jesus never said or implied He was Melchizedek. Nevertheless, portions of Christianity try and force Scripture to fit this narrative which doesn’t hold water. I’ll explain.

Why Did Jesus Die For Us?

God required blood sacrifice so the people would remember and feel the burden of their sin every year. Jesus fulfilled this, providing eternal redemption for all.

Is Hell Forever?

Is Hell Forever?

Jesus told us sinners are not tormented forever. Rather, their soul is “destroyed” which means cease to exist. This occurs at the end of the Millennium.

Can We Eat Pork?

Can Christians Eat Pork?

Do you realize, God said if Christians eat pork, they’re like smoke in His nose? Furthermore, in Leviticus God said do not eat pork, and that never changed.

Does God Have A Physical Body?

Scriptures states, mankind was created to look just like God. Despite Him appearing in various forms, God has a physical body that resembles our own.

Who Are God’s Chosen People?

God blessed Abraham with an everlasting covenant, even saying, “Bless them that bless thee.” We’re told this was bestowed on the Jews, but does the Bible really say that?

Why Did Jesus Say, Ye Are Gods?

Christ told the Jews, “ye are gods”. Jesus was actually citing Scripture to let the Jews know there was no sin in Christ being called the Son of God.

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