What Are Your Thoughts On The Apocrypha Books?

Name: Rebecca L.
Question: Greetings

I have asked questions before and you have been so kind and tolerant of me but you see I have this desire to know more about our Heavenly Father and maybe what some would call me more unique cause you have been the only one who seems to care about my questions. I am fascinated by the book of Ezekiel, and am reading some of the Apocryphal books like Enoch, do you or have you studied any of these books and what is your opinion of them. I think they tell us more about how Jehovah and His Son Jesus works why are they not in the Bible? Thanks a bunch for your time and effort for helping this woman who may just be suffering from cabin fever here in snowy Montana, to hopefully see things more clearly??

Sincerely, Rebecca

Answer: Rebecca, you enjoy snowy Montana and know we sincerely appreciate your questions.

Let me provide a little background on the Apocrypha.

The Apocrypha consists of 14 books that were written between 300 B.C. and 100 A.D.. We should note, these books were included in the 1611 King James Version Bible. Today, these books are still found in the Catholic Bible.

I believe some of the Apocrypha books are certainly worth reading, while others do not seem to align with Scripture. This is one of the main reasons why these books were removed from the Bible.

Though it is debated, there is no solid evidence that Jesus Christ nor the Disciples quoted from or referenced the Apocrypha books. We must have that second witness, it helps us verify if a book is valid or not, and how well it flows with the rest of Scripture.

It sounds like you are digging into God’s Word and trying to make sense of it all. Good job Rebecca, I know God is proud of you.

Additional Reading:

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