Is COVID-19 A Punishment From God?

I sure hope Pastors do not start telling Christians the Coronavirus is from God, to punish sinners and this dark world.

Christians are dying, and God does not punish good people for the sins of the wicked. That is a constant message the Bible brings out.

The Coronavirus is not a “novel” virus as we have been told. This virus has been around since God created it. It is not new, Lysol kills Coronavirus and it’s been that way for some time.

Pastors, you have to get your facts straight before you start telling people what is, and what is not a punishment from God. If Pastors start telling folks the Coronavirus is from God, they are going to lose major credibility, from thinking people anyway.

The Coronavirus has killed 43,000 people globally at this point. That is how many Americans have died this year due to the seasonal flu. You know, the one that comes around every year.

The point should be obvious, if the Coronavirus was from God, it would have killed millions upon millions of people around the globe. When God unleashes a plague, there is no doubt as to it being from God.

Have we really forgotten the Ten Plagues of Egypt already?

Now is not the time to play religion. If you don’t know what is going on in the world, then sit down and close your mouth. Do not play into the hand of the enemy. The entire world has been locked down over the Coronavirus which has a kill rate of just 2%, double the seasonal flu.

Further, some experts are saying the kill rate is under 2%.

So this whole plot here is not from God, but from the enemy of God. The facts document the point. Millions have not died, the entire world has been hit by this virus, and still the death toll is just 43,000.

It is embarrassing to think how foolish we all are to buy into the line we are fed. Embarrassing.
I will tell you one thing, you do not have to guess how the final events of this world go down. God laid them all out in the Bible for you, and people dying of a virus is not to be found.

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