What Do You Think About Vaccine Mandates And Our Jobs?

Name: Shiloh
Question: Hello Brandon

Each passing day the pressure to get the COVID vaccine is increasing. With this supposed new variant, it’s pretty clear we are being set up for another probable lockdown. Last night I read the FDA is very close to full approval of the vaccine which would then allow  the government to mandate the vaccine.

I have to work.  In fact I work 3 jobs to support my family.  In some parts of Europe they’re already mandating vaccines and demanding proof of the vaccination to enter places of business. 

I believe the vaccine is responsible for numerous deaths and life altering side effects. I have 3 teen daughters.  They are getting pressured at work and among their friends as well.  They are worried it will come down to them losing their jobs if they don’t get vaccinated.  

What are your thoughts on this?

Thank you for your dedication and all that you do-

Update 8-2: Some of you may need more Biblical, and medical citations for vaccine exemption. This is an outstanding Sample Letter for Religious Vaccine Exemption. If you need a hand written letter, make it your own, but this can be your guide.

Good advice here as well: Employer Wants Me To Get The Vaccine! What Do I Do?

Answer: Shiloh,

Good morning and thanks for reaching out.

I feel your frustration and concerns. The world is becoming a very foreign place to us. Look what has happened in the last year or so alone. COVID-19, riots, doubts over the voting system. Our country is seriously divided right now at just about every corner.

America no longer resembles the America I remember growing up.

So yes, I continue to see the pressure concerning vaccination that you are. We have written about it extensively. Reports indicate, the FDA will approve the vaccines in the fall, maybe sooner, maybe later.

Once that happens, will institutions then require mandatory vaccination?

They could, some schools, and hospitals have already done so.

At the same time, what percentage of the whole have done that?

How much of this is mainstream media paranoia?

Regardless, I have a bad feeling about future lockdowns as well. In the last few days, mainstream media reports are swirling about the Delta variant, I have even heard reports about the Lambda variant.

Make sure you read this article, Celebrate “Deadly” Delta Variant, It Has A 99.9% Recovery Rate!

In my mind, the whole thing stinks to the high heavens. COVID-19 has been overhyped from the very beginning. The way the narrative is playing out, there will always be some variant, are we to always lockdown or wear masks for safety?

I suppose if we were all vaccinated, then that narrative would cease. So vaccination is all about control, control the Federal Government does not have over us. If they were to force vaccinate, that would be the biggest civil rights violation in history. Even so, most people would comply. This would be another nail in the coffin of our nation.

Of course, that is the goal. To reduce the United States down to the level of the other nations of the globe. To remove our sovereignty and freedoms, then there can be a globalized government. That could be generations away, but the amount of paranoia over COVID certainly makes our minds work in over drive.

It’s very admirable that you are working three jobs to support your family. Great job Shiloh for being a woman of God.

Parts of Europe has certainly mandated vaccination to enter certain places of business and/or employment. We just had an article on that for the UK, which by September, will require people to be vaccinated in order to go to the bar for example.

Europe is extremely liberal however, and none of this surprises me, coming from them. Further, most of the fear and paranoia in our nation is coming from the liberal media and liberal states.

Remember, South Dakota never locked down, and they managed the “pandemic” without a hitch. I have been to many rural towns in our nation, and most locals say COVID never affected them, with few people ever wearing masks. I have experienced this myself as well.

So most of the fear is coming from the city. I recall during the middle of the pandemic when we went into a big city, a big liberal city no less. It was like I stepped foot on another planet. So if you live in a big city, I can certainly understand the pressure you are feeling.

Concerning the vaccine, even if it were 100% effective without side effects, the government nor anyone else would have the right to tell you to take it. It’s a personal choice, freedom is all about choices.

For your family and friends who are pressuring you, remember why they are pressuring you. They are watching the fear mongering mainstream media, so they pass their fear onto you, which you feel in the form of pressure.

If your friends want to do that to you, then respectfully pressure them back with facts concerning COVID-19 and vaccination. Respectful disagreement should be pursued once you have stated your case, if necessary.

In the end, you need a job to provide food for your family, and so do your daughters. Take it to God in prayer Shiloh, the things we are experiencing are only tremors, we have along way to go.

Remember, there are vaccination exemptions in many states for health and religious reasons. Also remember, no one has the right to enquire about your health information per HIPPA guidelines. That’s a big deal.

We have had other brothers and sisters in Christ come to us with similar questions, make sure you give them a read:

Nevertheless, at this point, vaccine mandates are not actuality. They are a part of the fear campaign we are all watching. So remember that, do not let it consume you with fear. Just pray to God about it, ask Him to lead you in your decisions, have a Plan B, and go enjoy your day.


I want our readers to understand, Christians do not play into fear and paranoia. I know there is a lot of that going on out there. Stick with the facts, the information that is verifiable. There are people on both sides of the aisle trying to scare you for some benefit of their own.

Luke 12:7
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

So remember verses like this.

Fear not.

I also want to add some other positive developments to this post. Life Site News has an interview with Dr. Peter A. McCullough who said, ‘COVID shots are ‘obsolete,’ dangerous, must be shut down’.

This information should be shared with those in your circles. More people need to be made aware the vaccines are not safe and effective for all people, that is a fact. Therefore, it is not right to demand anyone take the vaccine. That is a violation of our basic human right to exist.

In other good news, Jennifer emailed us and said,

You may have already seen this but here’s some good news from Texas!


Abbott reiterated Tuesday that Texas school children will not face mask requirements as they return to school later this summer.

Also, just yesterday Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said there will be no mask mandates or lockdowns in Florida.

I think we all realize we are dealing with politicians here, and this can change. However, let this positive news put a smile on your face, and pray that it encourages others to make similar moves for their states.

Those are great examples of push back!

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