All We Have To Do Is Live And Die

Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:

James 4:13
Also: Proverbs 27:1, Isaiah 56:11

Do you ever feel like you are always in a mad rush? Maybe the daily grind has its grip on you, maybe a project you are working on, or maybe your always thinking about your future, and if you are making wise decisions today, (see: Live For Today, Plan For Tomorrow)

There are times when my wife and I will say, “What are we doing, where are we going?” It’s an inside joke, but something we say to reflect, and strike the conversation.

As people, sometimes we overly concern ourselves with the future. We question the life decisions that led us on the path we are presently on. We believe we must achieve great things to live a happy life. Or we are so busy racing through each day, we don’t even have the time to think about it. Instead, we complete our daily tasks, just in time, to wake up and do it over again.

Whenever these thoughts or life concerns cross my mind, an ol country song from my childhood pops up. It’s one my children love to this day. It’s a song by Alabama titled, “I’m In A Hurry” from their album properly labeled, American Pride.

I have to share the chorus with you.

I’m in a hurry to get things done
Oh I rush and rush until life’s no fun
All I really gotta do is live and die
But I’m in a hurry and don’t know why

I don’t know about you, but that thought always puts things in perspective for me. It reminds me of this verse in James, and about Ecclesiastes 2 which might inspire our next devotion.

All we have to do is live a Godly life, be content with our blessings, and one day go back to see the Father.

When we live by God’s Word, everything will work out in the end, (Romans 8:28). After all, God promised He would always be there to direct our paths if we live according to His Word, (Proverbs 3:6).

So we should not be in a rush for anything in life, instead, we should slow down a bit. Take a little more time out of our day to enjoy a moment of silence, to laugh with our family, to enjoy nature, and our interests.

Let me share a part of my morning with you. Before I got into the second paragraph of this one, I decided to go for my run before my second and final cup of coffee. Sometimes, I like to think and pray a bit more on some things. So outside I went where my daughter was…

She said, “Daddy, are you going for your morning run” as she saw me stretch a bit. I thought, “She wants to go.” Then there it came, the request to go for a run. Then Jacob heard, and then Daniel, and they all asked in that order. The four of us never went for a run before.

But, then I thought about this writing. About not being in such a rush, and to add to it, consider other people’s feelings. So we all went for a run this morning. We chatted a bit along the way and I still got to think about this one, and here we are.

The kids enjoyed it, I enjoyed it, and it was unexpected and unplanned. In the end, I think it was exactly what I needed to finish this one today.

So let this be a reminder, to slow down, and enjoy the simply things of life.

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