As The World Turns

Doesn’t it seem like every day is a new episode of some soap opera?

  • Right verse left.
  • Republican verse Democrat.
  • Conservative verse Liberal.

From there, everything breaks down into various factions. You have news outlets and social media networks that cater to each one. Then each one of those outlets and networks fill up with like-minded people who keep regurgitating the same trash over and over.

There’s never any new and original thought.

“Guns are gonna kill us all!”

“The clot shot is gonna kill us all!”

Good grief.

Then, how about Presidential politics?

This entire country has been in a tizzy for a couple of years now over two old men.

  • Dirty Joe
  • Orange Man

Both of these dudes are old enough to be your great-grandpa! I’m not age-discriminating. Hey, I’ll be an old fart one day too, but come on people.

Why aren’t they out fishing on some remote lake with the grandkids?

Instead, they cling to life by sucking it from our nation. By riling all of us up and pitting Americans against Americans. It’s a complete and utter disaster. The unfortunate thing is, our entire nation has been fractured due to radicalism on both sides of the aisle.

Look what we have from the left…

A man thinks he is a woman and was featured on a Bud Light can! Umm, Budweiser, I’m not a marketing wiz, but I’m pretty sure your target audience is Red.


So this freak show kicked off a whole “boycott” against Budweiser beer.

How’s that working out?

Apparently, only some bars in Wyoming have boycotted the beer, and in others, Americans are still drinking down the transgender swill.

So what does that tell you?

It tells you, Americans love to get all riled up on social media about the left, but in reality. They don’t want to take action against it. In this case, it means they might not be able to get a good drunk and we can’t be having that!

Instead, as usual, it’s only the few who ever get it right. We learn that from Scripture and this fine Tennessee man who just tossed out his woke Jack Daniels collection.

As you can see, this is all soap opera antics.

If you really are against homosexuality and transgenderism, then grow a flipping backbone already and stop supporting these companies. The fact they still exist proves Americans don’t have a backbone and they simply cave in order to get the products and services they want, not need.

Look what we have from the right…

Jewish space lasers, Trump painting kisses, and Trump gropage.


Ohh, I’ve seen enough.

As the world turns…

That brings us to everyone’s favorite topic…

  • No, not COVID, that’s so 2020.
  • No, not the clot shot, that’s so 2021.

I’m talking about everyone’s new favorite topic…

World War 3, yeah baby!

The drama continues to unfold and it’s not staying concentrated in Ukraine anymore, it’s spreading. Of course, that’s what makes a war, a world war, right?

So what am I talking about?

Hold your horses, we’ll get there.

First, raise your hand if you remember all the times Russia’s Vladimir Putin was supposed to keel over and croak by now.

Great show of hands!

I know, that story just never dies (couldn’t help it)!

So, they’re back at it again. Putin is dying of something else, and someone else is going to take over Mother Russia.

Who writes the script?

It’s horrible.

Ohh yeah, and the mainstream media is still spinning the story that Ukraine is making strides, though it looks to be the other way around. Why I still remember a year ago when the media said Russia was about to be defeated.

In reality, all that’s really occurred is the East and West have become more divided. A lot of nations are finally realizing, if you cross the West you get crossed out.

Reference: Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan…

So now, we have China and Russia cozying up like never before. We have China brokering historic peace deals in the Middle East between former arch-enemies Iran and Saudi Arabia. Ironically enough, it was the West who caused much of that division.

You remember, Orange Man and the glowing orb ceremony which kicked off “The Global Center For Combating Extremist Ideology.” That aligned something like 50 nations against Iran. Well, it looks like some of that is now being undone.

I’m telling ya, the drama never stops unfolding.

So here’s the latest gossip…

In a super secret deal that only you and I know about,

China approved “provision of lethal aid” to Russia in its war in Ukraine earlier this year and planned to disguise military equipment as civilian items, according to a U.S. intercept of Russian intelligence revealed in leaked secret documents.


Come on, as if China is the only one doing it.

Why everyone heard about the U.S. intel leaker by now…

You know, the leaker who leaked important information that shouldn’t have been leaked. According to those reports (wait for it), the U.S. has troops in Ukraine training Ukrainians.

The ironic thing is, we’ve known that for a year now, but somehow it’s a surprise.

Ohh and Poland will be sending fighter jets to Ukraine.

So several nations have picked a side and they’re funding the war.

Ironically enough, guess what I read last night in Psalms?

Psalms 140:1-2
1 Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man;

2 Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war.

So that’s the deal.

Evil men only think of mischief and they gather themselves together for war.

That about sums up the world affairs of the hour.

Ohh don’t worry, we’re not done yet.

I promised to tell you how this is going global. The China bit helped tie that in, but now, nations all over the place are “gathered together for war”…

As the world turns…

China just conducted military drills around Taiwan. They’re so confident of their men in uniform they said, they’re “ready to fight.”

Fight who?

“…to fight at all times and can fight at any time to resolutely smash any form of ‘Taiwan independence’ and foreign interference attempts.”


That’s code word for the United States of America.

But suddenly, the United States realized they don’t have enough munitions to take on ol Red Chiner. They done shipped it off to them folks in Ukraine. They didn’t just realize it folks, they knew and know, it’s just more theater to add to the excitement of the soap opera we’re watching unfold.

Popcorn? 🍿

As the world turns…

We come to Syria, where Israel once again launched an attack on the nation. So then, Israel got a taste of their own medicine in the form of a rocket barrage on the mediocre nation.

Yes, it seems everyone’s getting bloodthirsty!

Even Iran…

Why it was just days ago when an Israeli outfit reported that Iran “kickstarts multi-front Middle East war against Israel.” It’s so serious at this point, the United States Navy has,

“…deployed a guided-missile submarine capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk missiles to the Middle East, a spokesman said Saturday, in what appeared to be a show of force toward Iran following recent tensions.”

VOA News

“A” as in – one – single – submarine.

Oh, but I’m really about to crank up the juicy juice!

Turkey’s Erdogan recently told his Iranian counterpart,

“The Islamic world should be united against Israel’s attacks in Palestine…”



Imagine if the Islamic world teamed up against Israel and said, “No more.”

  • No more illegal blockade of the Palestinian people.
  • No more killing innocent Palestinians.
  • No more bulldozing Palestinian homes.

This all occurs at a time when Israel itself is suffering major problems at home. Hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting Bibi’s court bill that would give the government more say over whose appointed to the court.

To hide a certain someone’s corruption?

Nah, couldn’t be!

Nevertheless, all this drama doesn’t even include the global economy… Where nations continue to seek currency transactions that are not dollar-denominated.

So as the world turns, it continues to fall apart.

We’re beginning to see new dealings between nations. We are witnessing some of the old rules fall apart, while new rules and deals form. I said that would happen, no my crystal ball didn’t tell me, God’s Word did. That’s what you would expect to see unfold in the End Times.


  • The world is becoming more radical.
  • The world is becoming more unstable.

It looks like ‘evil men are gathering together for war.’

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