Brandon T. Ward

I am a husband and father of three just trying to make sense of this crazy world.

My goal is to help Christians understand the Bible and current events. I hope to help non-believers understand that God is real, and He loves them.

When I am not working on this site, I enjoy spending time with my family in nature. You can learn more about me and my goal for this site by visiting the About page.

Articles by Brandon T. Ward

United States

Conservatism For The Win!

It’s no secret, our nation, and the world for that matter are circling the drain. You don’t want to know how I wanted to frame that sentence, but my wife just didn’t approve. Yet, every


Scotland’s Church Membership Drops In Half Since 2000

The Church continues to find itself in a very difficult place. The following chart represents the Church of Scotland’s membership over time. As we can see, since 2000, their membership dropped from 600,000 members to

Cyberwar & Tech

I Just Tested AI, This Is What It Can Do

By now, most of us have heard what artificial intelligence (AI) can do. However, few of us have actually tested it out. I did, and I’m going to share my story with you. Just days

Digital ID

Worldcoin: Digital ID For A New Financial System

Sounds spooky, doesn’t it? It is… Worldcoin is a new project aimed to validate the digital identity of everyone on the planet. That is, to validate your online identity through the use of their World


Bud And Target Go Down In Flames For Pride

If you didn’t know any better, you would swear the entire world is perverted and without any sense of morality. Mutilating children whether inside or outside of the womb is now a-okay if you listen


World’s Largest Gathering Of Satanists Comes To Boston

You’ve heard about “The Satanic Temple.” That’s the group always trying to get their Blaphmont monument in front of everyone’s eyeballs. Well, they’re getting together in Boston in what’s being hailed as the world’s largest

United States

Lincoln Predicted America’s Demise

As we look at our once blessed nation, we can clearly see it rotting a little more with each passing day. Day by day our nation becomes morally obscure and politically isolated. Politicians are quick


Was Sodom This Bad?

When I look at the moral degradation of society, I cannot help but think of Sodom and Gomorrah. I wonder within myself, have we eclipsed the wickedness of those cities? You remember the story… God


The Border Crisis Is Worse Than You Think

It sounds like hyperbole, doesn’t it? It’s not. How many of us have looked at the history of illegal immigration in our nation? Probably not many, so we’re going to do that today. I’m quite


The Conspiracy Of Reparations

Disclaimer: If you’re easily offended and hate sarcasm, don’t read this article. It’s pretty clear, our culture is on the road to destruction. Some might say it’s lost, our southern border sure looks that way.

A Few Good Pharisees

Though the Pharisees are primarily known to perform evil and misdeeds in Scripture, there is always a little light in any dark place.


700,000 More Come Knocking At The Door

We all heard about it, Biden is sending 1,500 U.S. troops to our southern border. He’s not doing this to bolster our border, but to “free up federal immigration officials.” That’s right! Biden sent our