The 7 Year Tribulation

Name: Meghan
Question: Can you help me understand the specific time length of the tribulation?

Answer: Thanks for the question Meghan.

The Tribulation was originally intended to cover a seven-year period of time. However, in the New Testament, Jesus said the Tribulation was shortened. I’ll explain all of that, and then provide three studies where you can take a much deeper dive.

Seven Years Of Tribulation

Simply stated, the Tribulation is the time when the Antichrist appears on earth. As I mentioned, the Tribulation was originally going to last for 7 years. Yet, Jesus shortened the Tribulation for the Elect’s sake, otherwise, no flesh would be saved, (Mark 13:20).

I will say, it’s possible the Tribulation was shortened to five months.

More on that in a moment…

Now, in order to prove the Tribulation was originally going to be 7 years, we must understand the 70 weeks of Daniel, (Daniel 9:24). Each of these 70 weeks consists of 7 years. In summary, 69 weeks have already transpired, but the final week was paused when Jesus was crucified for our sins.

We currently await this 70th and final week to begin. Once the 70th week begins, that initiates what was supposed to be the 7 year Tribulation.

We can prove this final week begins the Tribulation by reading Daniel 9:26-27. There we read the actions of the abominable “little horn,” the “man of sin” who confirms a covenant with many for one week(Dan 7:8, 2 Th 2:3-4, Mat 24:15).

This perfectly aligns with Revelation 13:5, which means we’re talking about the same event.

Now, that one week, is the 70th week, which begins the Tribulation that was originally 7 years long. The entity who negotiates this ‘covenant for one week’ is the Antichrist who “doth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,” (Revelation 13:13).

That is Satan, the same entity who will “exalteth himself” and “shewing himself that he is God,” (2 Thessalonians 2:4). As you consider this, it’s important to remember, Satan (Antichrist) will not claim to be Satan, he will claim to be God.

Is it any wonder then why Jesus shortened the 7 year Tribulation?

In the following studies, you can learn more about the Tribulation and the 70 weeks of Daniel. I also have a very candid conversation concerning the duration of the shortened Tribulation.

The Hour Of Temptation

We explain when the Hour of Temptation takes place, and how it ties to the 70 Weeks of Daniel. We also discuss the Great Apostasy, and the actual length of the Tribulation.

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