Will The Church Go Through The Tribulation?

Name: Preacher Dave
Question: Will we (the church) go through the tribulation or will we be raptured out before it happens?? The Bible says we will be raptured out before this time comes. Scripture ref: I Thessalonians 4:14 thru 18 and I Thessalonians 1:9 and Revelation 3:10. The whole point of the rapture is to keep the church from going through the wrath of G-d right?

Answer: Preacher Dave, thank you for the question.

The rapture is a church doctrine, one that cannot be documented in the Bible. There is no rapture of the church or anyone else for that matter.

We have three works on the rapture that I would like you to read:

Revelation 7 documents the Saints are the 144,000. They are sealed with the Word of God. This sealing is so important the Tribulation cannot begin until it is complete.

The Saints that are Sealed and many more are going to stand with the whole armour of God on and in place through the entire Tribulation. They will stand with the Two Witnesses who prophesy during the Tribulation of Satan who will claim to be God. Revelation 7:14 documents the Saints and those who stand with them go through the entire Tribulation.

Many mistakenly believe Revelation 4:1 is referring to the church, but nowhere do we find the church mentioned.

Who was God talking to in that verse?

John, as Revelation 1:1-2 documents.

John was taken to the Lord’s Day, the Millennium and shown what will happen during and after the Tribulation.

Many mistakenly believe the Tribulation is all about “God’s Wrath”. That is only partly true.

“Tribulation” means “trouble” and Satan is the “trouble”. Satan is the Antichrist who will appear on earth claiming to be God, (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4; 8-9). The “time of trouble” is Satan who will deceive the people of the world by the miracles he performs in their sight, (Revelation 13:13-14).

On the other hand, “God’s Wrath” does not transpire until the Vials begin to pour out, and finally, when Jesus Christ appears at the Seventh Trumpet, (Revelation 15:1; 16:1, 1 Corinthians 15:52).

Further, Acts 3:20-21 documents Jesus must stay in Heaven until all prophecy has been fulfilled.

This leaves no room for a rapture.

Concerning verses 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, back up one verse to 13, please.

1 Thessalonians 4:13
But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

The entire subject of this verse concerns those who have passed on before us. Paul is explaining to us they will return with Christ at the 7th Trumpet.

Nowhere does it say anyone leaves the earth beforehand.

Finally, Revelation 3:10 where we are kept from the Hour of Temptation. We are kept from the Hour of Temptation (Tribulation) as Satan is not “tempting” to those who understand the final events of the Last Days. This is why Paul would write in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 the Return of Christ will not overtake His children, the children of light as a thief.


They understand Satan appears before Christ claiming to be Him. When that event occurs, we will know we are five months away from the Return of Christ.

Remember, when God unleashed the Ten Plagues of Egypt?

Not a single Hebrew was harmed.

God is more than capable of protecting His children today, and during the Tribulation.

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