Should Christians Have Life Insurance?

Name: Karen
Question: Thank you so much for all the work you do, I love following along each day to the emails and the Q&A.

My question is should a Christian have/need life insurance? Or should we live as the Bible says and not worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrow take care of itself.

We spend a lot of money each month on insurances including life insurance and each year it goes up more and more. Are we being selfish by not trusting in God to provide should something happen? Thank you so much. With love and blessings Karen

Answer: Karen, thank you for the question and kind words.

I don’t offer financial advice, but let’s have a conversation!

You are right, Jesus told us, take no thought for tomorrow. He doesn’t want us to worry about tomorrow, today, or even tomorrow, (Matthew 6:25-27). It won’t help us one bit. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t plan. We should live for today, plan for tomorrow. Then we have our basis covered.

I can guarantee you one thing…

If we throw our hands in the air and say, “God will take care of it,” and we don’t go to work…

  • We will lose our job.
  • We will lose our home.
  • We will go hungry.

Just think about the ancient times from long ago.

People worked for themselves; they planted, they harvested, and they preserved their food. Then, they hunted and did the same. They had a plan, and they had to work for the days ahead.

So planning and preparation are things Christians should be doing.

Turn your Bible with me to,

2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

There you have it.

God wants Christians to plan, work, and take care of themselves, just like the ant in Proverbs 6:6. Our Father is very straight forward. So while tomorrow is promised to no one, we still need to plan for tomorrow, (James 4:13-14).

Otherwise, we might just wake up in the future and kick ourselves for not having that plan.

When you plan for tomorrow, the important thing is to never leave God out of it. Don’t have so many plans that you forget to include God in those plans. After all, even ministries must plan for the future so they can grow. There is nothing wrong with that.

All right, now that we have laid some ground work, let me address your question.

Christians And Life Insurance

I only speak for myself, but I would assess my situation with these sort of questions.

  • Do both spouses work, or just one?
  • Do we own our home outright, or do we have payments?
  • What other expenses do we have?
  • If my spouse passes away, can I cover the expenses comfortably?

Personally, I see life insurance as a policy in case the sole “bread winner” passes away.

  • If there is only one working spouse, and they pass away, how will the remaining spouse cover expenses?
  • If a husband passes away, leaving a wife who tends to the children, how will she cover expenses?

Depending on the expenses of a household, if a working spouse passes away, this could leave the surviving spouse not only grieving over the death, but stressing themselves out over expenses, and what they can and cannot afford.

Now, if a home is paid for, meaning there is no mortgage payment and car loans. Then there really should not be a reason for life insurance. In this scenario, if my wife wanted a million dollar policy on me, I just might have to keep a closer eye on her!

All jokes aside, there are many different examples and circumstances one can find themselves in. That’s why we think about these things and plan for them.

Regardless, if a surviving spouse cannot cover daily expenses on their own, then I would get rid of those expenses today, and/or look into a reasonable life insurance policy. Hey, simplifying your life is very rewarding, and many times it removes us from debt that keeps us in bondage.

As you mentioned, life insurance only gets more pricy as we age. So it’s certainly something you will need to consider and pray about. Just remember to always put God into your plan, make Him a part of it.

We do not have life insurance.

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