The Church Has Gone Psychedelic

Ohh, and I use the word “church” loosely here, and I mean loosely!

These days, any organization can be considered a “church.” All you have to say is you’re about “spiritual enlightenment,” and BAM, you’re in. Don’t forget that 501(c)3 and you’re good to go! You see, spiritual enlightenment is not about God and Jesus Christ.

Then again, when someone says God, which one are they talking about?

Apparently, the Associated Press is into a god, but it’s not Jehovah, the God of the Bible.


Psychedelic Churches

The AP published an article titled, “Psychedelic churches in US pushing boundaries of religion.”

Boy, that’s an understatement!

As I read that article, I could quickly see, this isn’t some Christian church, it’s more like a hippie church on shrooms, or more specifically, “ayahuasca.”

What’s that?

I’m glad you asked.

Ayahuasca” is a,

“South American psychoactive and entheogenic brewed drink traditionally used both socially and as a ceremonial or shamanic spiritual medicine among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin, and more recently in Western society.”

That’s right, there are “churches” who are serving up psychedelic tea so you can feel euphoric and hallucinate. Oh, but there’s some side effects you should know about. Psychedelic tea drinkers can become fearful, paranoid, and suffer other health side effects.

Spiritual Hallucinations

Apparently, the psychedelic church is really taking off!

Who would have known?

In part, we can thank governments for this. For years they have diligently worked to legalize drugs, starting with pot. Now, some states are even pushing for the legalization of psychedelic drugs. That will surely boost the bottom line of these so called, “churches.”

As I read that article, I did a search for the word “God,” which came up four times. One was just an expression, so here are the three occurrences.

  1. …a sense of community and freedom to connect “to a higher power, whether that’s us or the universe or God, whatever you want to call it.”
  2. “We just try to create a spiritual experience without any dogma and just let people experience God for themselves.”
  3. …in search of spiritual enlightenment and an experience they say brings them closer to God than traditional religious services.

So there it is, psychedelic churches are all about going on a spiritual high to find a god. Not surprisingly, the founder had a vision at one of their “religious services,” it revealed, he should start a church.

Hey, that’s sort of like Margret McDonald!

So I decided to do a bit more research into one of these psychedelic churches. The AP seemed pretty high on the “Humming Bird Church,” so I took a visit. I mean, maybe there’s something I’m missing on my spiritual journey…

Squalor? Nope, that’s a religious service.
CPR? Nope, that’s spirituality.
The church.
The congregants.
Maybe he has heat stroke?
Ahh, healing stones! My favorite.
Notice the barf buckets? No, I’m not kidding.
Ahh, come on. What’s $875 bucks to support your local “church.”

On second thought, I think I’m going to pass on this spiritual journey.

Ahh The Church…

So the mainstream media only says “church,” when it comes to drug fests. That’s all this is. It’s a drug fest being sold as spiritual enlightenment which comes through drugs. The guy who came up with this con is making a killing!

Ahh, how sad, and how it reminds me of this verse.

Romans 1:25
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

My friends, God has most certainly been turned into a lie.

Imagine that, society has turned to something God created, to give them spiritual enlightenment.

In essence, Western society is rotten to the core. We have replaced Jehovah with hallucinations and euphoric feelings from psychedelic tea. Just like the heathen long ago. We have reverted, we have gone full circle.

Then again, long ago was the church perverted by con men or those with grand delusions. After all, it was Christians who invented the snake churches, the speaking in tongues churches, and the slap me for healing churches.

It’s pretty sad when you get right down to it.

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