A Message From A Grasshopper

I meant to share this video clip with you a long time ago. For those of you with children in the family, you will appreciate this post, though it is for everyone. The clip below is from the animation “Bug’s Life”.

It is a family-friendly cartoon movie, but with most things in the mainstream, I always seem to find a message. In the movie, the ants are ordered by the grasshoppers to have food ready for them before the end of Fall.

Ants Are The Slaves

As the narrative goes, the ants become the slaves of the grasshoppers. As I watched this cartoon with my children over the years, I cannot help but think of the Locust Army mentioned in the Bible.

By nature, grasshoppers and locusts ravage the land leaving nothing, only desolation. A Locust Army is such a perfect example to let us know how the enemy of God’s People destroy our hard work.

Yet, God promised,

And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

Joel 2:25

One day, God’s People, Christians will be fully restored.

Hoppers Speech

As you watch the clip, I want you to consider we are the ants. The grasshoppers are essentially those Satan works through, (Ephesians 2:2).

The scene takes place in a bar where a couple of grasshoppers ponder, why go back and take food from the ants? They were having such a good time already. The leader of the grasshoppers, Hopper then gives a grand speech before his fellow insects.

Hopper explains, “there was one ant who stood up to me”. One of the other grasshoppers who rather not go back explains, “it was just one ant”. Hopper replies, “yeah, you’re right, its just one ant”…

Watch the short clip and I will finish explaining below.

We Outnumber The Enemy

Hopper makes it very clear, the grasshoppers have to go back, otherwise, the ants may just realize they outnumber the grasshoppers 100:1. As Hopper explains, ‘if the ants ever realize that, it ends the grasshopper’s way of life’. Hopper makes it clear, his agenda is about control, and he sacrificed two of his own for his cause.

We are the ants my friends, and the grasshoppers are enemies of God’s People, the wicked and Satan who is the god of this world, (2 Corinthians 4:4). That is their number one fear, that you stand up for what is right, that you hold your ground. They know we outnumber them millions to one.

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