
My Commentary articles concern the Bible, life, and events that have a lasting impact on our world. This is a great resource for those who enjoy a common-sense approach to the Bible and the world around us.

Don’t Be An Unteachable Christian

As people, and especially as Christians, we’re to always remain teachable. What does that mean? It means, we should never think we have it all figured out. If we do, we most certainly fell into

My Kitty Passed Away

Every once in a while, a special critter comes along and steals your heart. Panther was that critter. I want to share her story, and our experience with you.

Would Jesus Approve Of Today’s Church?

It’s an interesting thought… In my opinion, the church of today has become a gigantic mess. We have thousands of different Christian denominations that place us on separate Christian teams. Are Christians really supposed to

Will God Allow Nuclear War?

We live in uncertain and dangerous times, but would God allow a nuclear war? We look at past events and open Scripture to answer this timely question.

A Nation In Peril

The United States was once a blessed nation, but it’s now in peril as society falls away from God. How do our elections play into this, and how should we vote?

My Best Friend Passed Away

I never thought I would pen this letter. Just four short months ago, my best friend passed away. He was more than a friend, he was family. I’ll never forget that evening. As we climbed

Talmud: The Dangers Of Judaism

We commonly hear, the Jews are God’s chosen people, and Judeo-Christian values bind us together. So what does the Talmud say about the values of Judaism?

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