Christianity: Is Your Truth, “The Truth?”

How many times have you tried to tell someone something about God’s Word and the people close their ears?

I mean, it sounds just a little different than what they know to be true, so it must be wrong.

“The Truth”

Unfortunately, many people have been indoctrinated by the various flavors of mainstream Christianity. Fortunately, some people have come out of the confusion called denominationalism,” and have read the Bible for themselves. With a few good teachers along the way, they were able to “unlearn some of the false teachings they had been taught over the years.

False teaching they once thought was, “the truth.”


Unfortunately, many of these same people fall right back into the same ship they arrived on.

Just as those now former mainstream Christian beliefs were once “their truth,” they now have a “new truth” that they know to be “true.” They are now convinced their “old truth” was not really “the truth,” even though they thought it was “the truth,” and now they are certain their “new truth,” is “the truth.”

I have seen this whirlwind of nonsense more times than I wish to count. The same ol mantra continues, they say to themselves,

I am right, and they are wrong.”

Their truth is not “the truth,” but ”my truth” is.

Of course, their “new truth” was “the truth” they used to believe was “the truth.”

Do you see the cycle of confusion some go through here?

Then someone comes along and tries to share the Word with them and what do they say to themselves?

It sounds just a little different than “my truth,” so it must be wrong.

Over and over it repeats…

So what is the moral of the story here?

Be Like The Bereans

As Christians, we need to be more like the Bereans.

What were they like?

Acts 17:11
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

When we study our Father’s Word, we should never close our mind or ears. We always need to have “all readiness of mind,” and we must ‘search the Scriptures’ to ensure what we are taught is “the truth”.

  • We must always think for ourself.
  • We must ensure our beliefs do not contradict the Bible.
  • We must pray for wisdom and understanding.

We never want to close our ears to God’s Word, when we do, we just might miss out on a truth that we never possessed, though we thought we already obtained it.

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