God Is Amazing: Look At This Awesome Universe Size Comparison

More often than not these days, we are told God does not exist, that He is a figment of our imagination. Yet, when we observe the universe, we can see God does exist by looking at creation itself.

In reality, we have an amazing God and awesome Creator. The video below will help to demonstrate that by showing you how vast our universe really is. While you watch this video, I want you to consider what science tells us…

Mainstream Science Falls Flat

They explain all the matter, all the material in the universe, the planets, stars, you and I were compressed into the size of a pea. Then, under intense pressure, it exploded. They call this the “big bang” and use this theory to explain the creation of life and our entire universe. Common sense tells us, something cannot come from nothing, yet common sense long escaped this scientific discussion.

While we may not know exactly how God created the universe, we certainly know the mainstream scientific perspective is lacking.

When we think about the “big bang” theory, any explosion by definition is a random event. Therefore, this theory cannot explain how a random explosion that would have sent matter in all directions was able to bring matter together to form planets, stars and galaxies. Not to mention life.

Further, this scientific explanation for the creation of life cannot explain how this random event could have created the basic laws that govern our universe. Nuclear reactions, gravity and so on. These are things that cannot exist in of themselves, they are laws, and they were designed and created by a Creator.

DNA Is Code

Lastly, mainstream science refuses to address DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) which is,

A self-replicating material which is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information.

DNA by sciences own admission is “information”.

Information does not create itself. DNA is like computer code. Computer code did not create itself, just like the blueprints of a building did not create itself.

Instead, they have a creator. Man created computer code and blueprints, but our Heavenly Father created DNA, all life and this beautiful and amazing universe.


“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse”

Romans 1:20
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