Rattlesnake Bites Kentucky Pastor After Father Killed By Snake

This headline caught my eye this morning. No, they were not walking through the woods. They were having church service. You see this church believes you can be bitten by a rattlesnake and live to tell the tail, they believe it is Christ who guards them against these rattlesnakes…

Unfortunately, two of the pastors family members have already died from bites during service.

I find this whole thing extremely upsetting. It is false teachings like this why we have so many people leaving the church and doubting the Gospel Message. Combine just this one false teaching with the rest and it heaps together lies that do not help the church, but bring it down.

This church also “speaks in tongues” which is another false teaching. These type of people remind me of attention seekers who feel the need to put on a grand show for their attendees. This is sick, warped and twisted.

Some of the basis for this teaching comes from Luke 10:19, we are going to read it along with the verse prior and after.

Luke 10:18
18 “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.”

Who said, Jesus Christ.

Who is Satan?

The serpent, (Revelation 12:9).

Luke 10:19

19 “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

Christ gave us this power, but He was not talking about rattlesnakes. A literal snake is not your enemy.

Look, the Bible is filled with symbology and if you do not understand that you have no business teaching Scripture. Christ was referencing Satan who is the “serpent“.

Luke 10:20

20 “Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.”

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior just dialed it in for you in case you needed any help. “The spirits,” as in the serpents and scorpions, the evil spirits are under you if you are in Jesus Christ.

That is what we are talking about here. Evil spirits and Satan have no power over you in the name of Jesus Christ. Not a literal venomous snake.

You can read more about the scorpions in Revelation 9 where they are noted as not having any power over those who have the Seal of God.

What Seal is that?

The Seal the 144,000 will receive before the final events of this age can unfold, before the Tribulation of Satan, (Revelation 7).

False teaching is brought about when we do not rightly divide the Word of Truth. It manifests when we cherry pick Bible verses to fit our belief. The Bible does not conform to our opinions and beliefs, we conform to it.

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