Crazy People Run Our Country

It doesn’t appear that anyone running our country has any marbles left upstairs.

Just months ago, the Republicans told us a red wave of change was headed for our nation. In reality, the tide never came in. The Reds managed to win the House, but left the Senate Blue. Yet, it didn’t take long for the Republicans to implode, it’s already in progress.

Reps. Greene and Boebert were formerly BFF. The friend affair is now in shambles, due to an argument over who will be the next speaker of the House. Boy, this brought out the knives! Boebert said, she’s not buying Greene’s “Jewish Space Laser” bit.


Now you know why there was no red wave.

The Republican party is filled with selfish creatures and nutjobs.

Our borders are being overrun, and these two galpals want to trade shots over Jewish Space Lasers? Holy smokes, just give me four more years of Biden. Then maybe, just maybe enough Americans become fed up, and they elect real politicians. At least, not politicians whose only concern is the latest conspiracy.

Our so-called leaders could unite over just about anything, but they choose the simplest of matters to become divided over.

What a joke.

Think about it, when our borders are not being flooded, we’re sending billions to Ukraine to kill more Russians.



Ohh and get this, the “experts” are now saying, ‘Ukraine would not exist without western weapons supplies.’

For Heaven’s sake.

What does it take to be an “expert” these days?

I said that 10 months ago.

Do you want more signs of horrible governance?

Ohh, I’ll give it to ya!

In lib-town, aka San Francisco, they just approved a plan to allow police robots to use deadly force.

Great idea, what could go wrong?

Then, we all found out the FBI nudged Twitter to ban users. Then more juice came out, it involved other Fed agencies, and we all know, if they did it with Twitter, they did it with other tech platforms.

All of this drama is making us American folk go batty!

When our mental health isn’t failing, our finances are.

With such a radically changing nation, crime continues to rise.

Then it gets really bad…

“American, grandfather, brave, and master” become “harmful language” according to Stanford University.

Do you want to know why?

Those words are “ableist, sexist or racist.”

We’ve become a nation of wimps and sissys.

When “American and grandfather” become taboo words in… America. You know your nation’s national experiment is over. At a time like this, with so many in your face issues that our politicans could capitalize on…

Instead, they fight and bicker.

Jewish Space Lasers.

You know, the West keeps saying how Putin wants to nuke us and take over the world. Maybe, just maybe ol V-lad should launch that Sarmat missile, and put an end to circus freaks in DC. Heck, I may even chip in on the deal. Maybe we could crowd-fund it.

Whose in?!!

If we don’t, we’ll get more $1.7 trillion dollar spending bills that are over 4,000 pages long that no one reads before they vote on it. By the way, about $500 billion of that is waste. We all know $45 billion went to Ukraine.

Yet, our borders are open, and the DEA seized enough fentanyl to kill every American in 2022. Americans cannot read, they’re homeless, and they’re strung out on drugs, but we’re helping Ukraine, for what reason?

Oh yeah, global domination!

That worked out so well in the Middle East, didn’t it?

So don’t look for the Red Republicans to do much for you. They already helped pass a $1.7 trillion dollar spending bill, and they passed Biden’s “Respect For Marriage Act.”

I wonder what they get out of it for selling their countrymen down the river?

Ahh, but who cares right, because our team is the Red team! Woohoo!!

We’ve been thinking like that for decades and it never changed a thing.

Actually, it did change one thing.

Our nation is now circling the drain.

And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.

Isaiah 3:4
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