35,000+ Christians Gather At The National Mall In DC

On Sunday, more than 35,000 Christians gathered at the National Mall in Washington D.C. They gathered to pray for a spiritual awakening, for the hearts of our nation to be turned toward Jesus Christ. 

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) went on stage to pray for God’s Spirit to spread across the Supreme Court, America, and for the people to come to Christ.

“America needs that love,” Hawley said. “They need to feel the love of Jesus Christ. They need that hope and joy that we have.”


Senator Hawley went on to pray for now Supreme Court Justice Barrett.

“Tomorrow night is the final vote on the floor of the United States Senate to confirm a justice who is not ashamed to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,” Hawley declared. “She’s not ashamed to say that every life has dignity, that every life is worth saving. She’s not afraid to say that abortion is wrong and that every child in America has the right to life.”

Do you know we now have the most conservative Supreme Court since the 1930s? That is fantastic news for Christians!

Folks, check out this video of the gathering.

This is exactly what I have been talking about.

We cannot give up, we should never give up and always press forward. Look at all these Christians setting a fantastic example for us and the rest of our nation.

They are not afraid to speak out, they are not afraid to gather without a mask and proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord!

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