44% Of American Christians Believe The Bible Is ‘Ambiguous’ On Abortion

I have a tough time believing any poll these days. However, according to the Cultural Research Center of Arizona Christian University, they found 4 in 10 American Christians believe the Bible is ambiguous concerning abortion.

You know what the problem is folks?

Little Voices

Christians continue to embrace the world instead of embracing God, (John 15:19). We listen to these little voices that tell us certain things are okay. We hear those little voices often. They come through our televisions, radios, phones, and computers.

We become conditioned by these voices as they sound good and make sense at times. These little voices tell us, we should respect “woman’s rights” and that a “woman’s body is her body”.

This all translates into abortion becoming acceptable.

However, we are talking about a baby here. A baby has rights, and a baby has a body that should be respected as well. So enough of the little voices, they will make the worse thing sound good. Since we are Christian, we do not entertain the little voices, we entertain the Word of God.

God’s Voice

The Bible makes it very clear, the womb was not meant to be the grave of the unborn.

Because he slew me not from the womb; or that my mother might have been my grave, and her womb to be always great with me.

Jeremiah 20:17

That which brings life, is not meant to bring about death. That is just common sense and what God is telling us here.

I also want you to remember, one of the six things our Father hates most is “hands that shed innocent blood”, (Proverbs 6:17). Slaughtering the unborn is shedding innocent blood. A baby is an innocent life, a baby is flesh and blood.

That is what God has to say about it, now if you want to entertain those little voices instead of God’s, then go right ahead. Just remember, you will answer for it.

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