45 Churches Burned, Vandalized, Or Desecrated In Canada

In Canada, 45 churches have burned to the ground, been vandalized, or desecrated in the last month alone. True North created a map to notate where the churches are located. This all comes after last month’s announcement of graves found near residential schools in Kamloops B.C.

The mainstream media the planet over called them “mass graves”, but apparently the term was never used in the official report. This was another smear campaign by the mainstream media against Christians which no doubt led to more hatred of the church, as if all these churches conspired against indigenous peoples.

As I searched the net this morning, I could hardly find a soul talking about the 45 churches in question. However, I saw national headlines concerning the “mass graves” story. Follow the links, read up on this.

It’s another nail in the coffin of the Christian faith and the history of America and Canada. When conservatives and Christians fight back, we are called racists, haters, and terrorists. When the liberals do it, it’s justice, peace, and national duty.

The massive radical and racist riots last year were only a match that has ignited a flame of national hatred. A hatred that seeks to destroy our Republic and replace it with a globalist utopia. We are watching it happen every single day in the news.

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