48% Of COVID Hospitalizations Are Mild Or Asymptomatic Cases

Hospitalizations have been the primary metric used to identify the spread of COVID-19.

It seems every day we are inundated with news reports that tell us hospitals are filling up with COVID-19 patients. Yet, much of this news is blatant propaganda.

See these articles for those details:

In light of all this, the Atlantic put together an article documenting just how sick these COVID-19 patients really are. If they are in the hospital, you would think they are on death’s doorstep…

Yet, the truth is stranger than fiction.

Patients Hospitalized For Non-COVID Reasons Become COVID Patients

A nationwide study reveals,

There are many COVID patients in the hospital with fairly mild symptoms, too, who have been admitted for further observation on account of their comorbidities, or because they reported feeling short of breath.

The Atlantic

So we have a group of COVID patients that are hospitalized with “mild symptoms” since they had preexisting comorbidities.

If they didn’t have those comorbidities, they wouldn’t be hospitalized in the first place. So the real problem is the underlying health of the patient.

Another portion of the patients in this tally are in the hospital for something unrelated to COVID, and discovered that they were infected only because they were tested upon admission.

The Atlantic

This group of patients were hospitalized for something completely unrelated to COVID. Their COVID infection was only discovered as they were tested at the hospital upon admission.

Apparently, they weren’t very ill then, were they?

Now come on folks, are hospitalizations a true metric to identify how many people are ill?

Not even close, ohh but it gets better!

48% Of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Are Mild Or Asymptomatic Cases

The study found that from March 2020 through early January 2021—before vaccination was widespread, and before the Delta variant had arrived—the proportion of patients with mild or asymptomatic disease was 36 percent.

The Atlantic

How about that?

36% of the patients in the hospital before vaccination and before Delta were mild or asymptomatic cases.

Let’s see what happened during Delta and vaccination…

From mid-January through the end of June 2021, however, that number rose to 48 percent. In other words, the study suggests that roughly half of all the hospitalized patients showing up on COVID-data dashboards in 2021 may have been admitted for another reason entirely, or had only a mild presentation of disease.

The Atlantic

There you have it.

48% of COVID-19 hospitalizations are mild or asymptomatic cases.

So our health systems are admitting people to the hospital under the pretense of COVID, when a patient has a mild case, or they do not even realize they are infected at all.

This is utterly amazing.

We are continually told how deadly COVID is, and you have folks running around who do not even know they are infected. We have known this for some time, but to grasp the idea that roughly half of the patients in the hospital should not be considered COVID patients is quite another.

The mainstream media then takes these hospitalizations numbers and scares the public into the needle. All we have going on in the mainstream is fear and panic, no true thought or analysis.

CDC: Most COVID-19 Illnesses Are Mild

Never forget what the CDC has said all along,

Most people have mild COVID-19 illness and can recover at home without medical care.


As we highlighted in our recent article, when you cut through all the hype, just 32,046 People Have Died Solely Of COVID-19.

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