Abu Dhabi Closing Most Public Places To Those Without COVID Vaccine

Some countries just cannot give up the hysteria.

Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, announced that starting August 20, public access will be further limited only to those who have been vaccinated. Unvaccinated individuals will only be able to enter supermarkets and pharmacies.


Despite all the evidence indicating COVID-19 is not as dangerous as advertised. This continues to be pressed upon the people. We live in an amazing time, where truth is outshined by lies.

Notice, Abu Dhabi is so serious about this, they will not start this program until August 20th, a mere seven weeks away. All jokes aside, if they were that concerned, why not implement this program now “to save lives”?

The article adds,

Authorities will begin restricting access to shopping malls, restaurants, cafes, sporting events, museums, gyms, schools and universities in Abu Dhabi.

Of course, the reasoning is so people comply with government demands and receive the vaccine.

Abu Dhabi has something called the “green pass” system,

That limits public access to those who are vaccinated or can show proof of testing negative for coronavirus.

So apparently they launched a vaccine passport of sorts. Much like parts of Europe that did the same for traveling between nations. To say civil liberties have been destroyed due to COVID is an understatement. Any future crisis will see more rapid and forceful government intervention.

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