94% Of Americans Do Not Have A Biblical Worldview

You might be asking, what is a Biblical worldview?

It’s our belief system.

Do our beliefs conform to the Bible, or do our beliefs conform to the world?

If our beliefs conform to the Bible, then we have a Biblical worldview. That means, we look at the world and make life decisions based on the Bible.

How many of us actually do that?

As it turns out, only 6% of Americans have a Biblical worldview. So flip that, and it means, 94% of Americans do not hold a Biblical worldview.


94% of Americans do not look at the Bible and make life decisions, or their decisions do not properly reflect Biblical concepts.

If that were not disturbing enough,

51% of adults claim to have a Biblical worldview, but in reality, their beliefs do not actually reflect what the Bible says.

Is it any wonder then why our world is the way it is?

Considering The Christian Worldview

This information comes from Professor George Barna. He leads the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.

This morning, I took the opportunity to watch a video featuring Professor Barna. Barna made three points that really stood out to me.

  1. Nearly everyone’s worldview contradicts itself.
  2. All media has an underlying worldview they communicate to you.
  3. A person’s worldview is established by age 13 and rarely changes.

I recently came to understand the first two items myself, and how deeply rooted they can be. Barna said, we often do not take the time to analyze our beliefs. We just grab a belief and latch onto it.

How true that is.

Concerning the third point.

Is it any wonder then why the perverse always go after the children?

Homosexuality and sex are continually promoted in school.

If you can educate the children to your worldview, by the age of 13, they are more than likely to latch onto that belief and never veer from it.

That is why Jesus told us,

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19:14, also Matt 18:6

These days, society does not send children to Christ. They sent children in the other direction.

As adults and parents, we have a responsibility as Christians to ensure God’s Word is promoted in their life. We have a responsibility to look over what they are being taught in school.

Their worldview is being formed each day, do we really want a secular society having the most influence in their life?

Biblical Worldview – George Barna

So with those thoughts in mind, I encourage you to watch the following video where George Barna explains some of these concepts and principles.

Below, you will find several slides that came from the video. They compare the worldview of secular and Christian Americans, it’s interesting to see such drastic differences in belief.

It just goes to show how important it is to have God in our families life.

Survey: Biblical Worldview

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