Another Year. Another Election. Another President.

As you have heard me say many times, nothing ever changes for the better concerning U.S. politics. Nothing changes for the better as our politicians, and we as a people have not turned back to God, (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Look, no matter who is President, our nation continues to decline.

  • We never obtain more rights, we only lose them.
  • We never withdraw from wars, they only continue.
  • We never get out of debt, we have more record debt.
  • We never withdraw from the United Nations, we continue to fund it.
  • We never become more Godly, we only become more unGodly.

The blame for that falls on us and our foolishness. Instead of demanding our politicians be accountable, and fall in line with God’s Word, we sidestep that because they said things we wanted to hear.

Words, just words with few true actions.

Illegal Executive Orders

In the end, President Trump signed more illegal Executive Orders per year than any President since Regan. Executive Orders are not law, they are decrees which are issued by kings, not President’s.

Yet, the Executive Orders sounded good to us at the time. I mean the “swamp” filled Trump admin was cleaning the “swamp” right? Remember what we said of Trump’s illegal Executive Orders?

Let me refresh your mind.

Let’s close this with a simple thought on Trump’s latest executive order. It does not matter how good any executive order sounds. We The People should never support any illegal order.

Maybe today we have an executive order we like, but tomorrow we have another President signing executive orders we do not like. That is why this nation is supposed to be ruled by the Constitution, not by the whims of men.

Trump Signs Executive Order Targeting Social Media

Case and point. On President Biden’s first day in office, he is already walking back Trump’s Executive Orders. That is yet another reason why we should always demand our politicians follow the rule of law.

Otherwise, we become lawless and actually support the tyranny that is rising against us today. We saw that tyranny escalate under the Trump administration, whether you want to admit it or not.

He is the one who declared a national emergency when only 50 people supposedly died of COVID-19. A national emergency he never lifted. Trump brought us doctor Fauci, a doctor he never fired, instead, allowing Fauci to continue to scare the American people over the hyped virus.

The same doctor who is now a part of the Biden Administration.

Different day, different Administration, same story line.

Many Were Fooled

From day one of the Trump Presidency, many became sucked into conspiracies like QAnon. Or played word games with “Trump-Pence” thinking it meant the sixth trumpet was about to sound.

Sick, disgusting, and disturbing.

Not a single Trumpet has sounded.

Unfortunately, many Christians followed and latched onto these lies. So-called “learned Christians”. Christians who claim they can recognize the false messiah.


I mean you could not even recognize that a flesh man lied to you. You could not recognize the false conspiracy called QAnon and the whole manufactured scenario called, “The Deep State”.

Many quickly forgot the Bible, they quickly forgot how Satan has been running things for quite some time now, (2 Corinthians 4:4).

All of that was kid stuff, and if you bought into it.

You got played.

Where We Go From Here

So where do we go from here?

I will tell you where.

The same place we have already been. Many will say Trump did no wrong while carrying on about how socialist Biden is. Same story, just a different day, and a different character in office.

Many will continue this narrative as they tune into the media and let the media do their thinking for them. I am talking about the mainstream media, alternative media, social media, and so on.

You will blame Biden and China, China, China, instead of thinking for yourself, (see: Think, Think, Think.). You will continue to stay on social media in groups who “know the truth”.

The Republicans will blame the Democrats, and the Democrats will blame the Republicans. New reasons will be formed, but the end result will be the same. Instead of looking at the true enemy, you will point to the other party when both parties are controlled opposition. Controlled to keep you in the dark.

Look, it’s not like we did not warn you before the 2016 election in our article, The Destruction Of Our Nation And The Ballot Box. We already told you these things, we told you Trump was not going to save you.

Voter Fraud

I can hear some shouting, “but there was voter fraud”.

You still don’t get it do you?

There is always some “if”, “and” or “but”. There is always voter fraud, we have been talking about that for as many years as this site has been online. There have always been reports of dead people voting and machines changing votes.

The only difference this time, king Trump told you there was going to be fraud before the election.

Why did he say that, how did he know?

Who cares, it sure riled up our nation didn’t it?

It divided us even more than we were divided before, (Matthew 12:25).

So yes, of course there was fraud. There is always fraud. However, if the fraud was as big as advertised, and there was so much proof.

Where is it?

I mean the President could have ordered a website to be created with all the proof for us to see. He could have cut into national television and presented it. I mean if it’s truly that bad, then we have to address the problem.

Yet, none of that ever happened, did it?

All you heard was words and conspiracies.

Same ol story, just a different day.

Notice, the mainstream media; left and right have already moved on from the voter fraud narrative. If it was true to the extent advertised, and if any one of these groups was on your side, it would be the only point of discussion.

Without honest elections, the nation cannot continue, we already said that, (see: Let’s Talk About The Elections).

But then again, that was the entire point. To cause more doubt in your mind about the political system to fracture what little hope remains for America. That is a part of the globalist agenda. To cause so much doubt, dismay, and frustration that we give up on our political system, and embrace something else when it collapses.

The time is coming, little by little, day by day.

Did You Fall For The Lie?

If you fell for the lie, feel bad about it, and then get over it. Chalk it up to a learning experience, and then get your rear in gear for God. He is the only One we can count on. Not some man and certainly not some man king.

We can only count on our relationship with God on a personal level. Do not expect some church to do it for you. In case you did not notice, many churches have closed, many have said, “COVID is from God”.

  • What kind of pastor would say such a thing, have they forgotten how the Last Days go down?
  • Have they forgotten what Biblical plagues really look like?

They are either sellouts or fools, it does not really matter which one. They have led the flock astray when the flock needed them most. Remember that, remember all the men and women who have left your side, and helped lead you astray.

Stand Tall And Strong For God

I honestly debated even writing this article. So many of these thoughts have been on my mind lately, I just had to get them out. Will it hurt some feelings, maybe so, but you know what.

If I am not going to tell you like it is, then I might as well close up shop. Besides, who else is going to tell you, and ask you to think for yourself?

  • The television?
  • The alternative media?
  • Your social media groups?


Become Accountable

We can steer clear of lies in the future by thinking for ourselves. Start holding yourself and your family accountable for your beliefs and what you accept as truth. Stop relying on other men to do the heavy lifting for you.

Start holding your pastors and politicians accountable for their words and actions. Speak up. The only reason evil triumphs is because good men do nothing. If we expect good to prevail while sitting on our duff, the exact opposite will occur, and never compromise on your beliefs.

Above all, and never forget, God is always first.

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