ANTIFA Attacks Christians At Prayer Event In Portland

You won’t catch this one on the evening news. It was announced a Christian Pastor was going to speak in Portland, Oregon at Battlefield Oregon Memorial. Well in advance, ANTIFA planned to cause a disturbance during the prayer event.

It wasn’t much of a battle though.

ANTIFA members showed up on August 7th to shut down the event, and that they did.

ANTIFA threw smoke grenades and other objects at Christians and their small children. ANTIFA then began to steal the audio equipment and peoples belongings.

The disturbance was so severe, it appears most Christians disbursed.

Apparently the police were called, but they never showed.

Maybe defunding the police is not such a good idea after all.

ANTIFA as always shows how much hatred they have for this country and Christian people.

Why is this not on Fox News and CNN?

There is no hate when it comes to Christians, they want you exterminated.

Do you get it yet?

On August 7th, it was for prayer events at the park.

Tomorrow, it will be your church.

Now I have a bone to pick with all the Christians in attendance.

Wait, let me rephrase that.

I have a bone to pick with all the Christian men in attendance.

All I heard in the video was people saying in “Jesus name”, as if Christ was going to pop out of Heaven and slay the enemies before them. As if they were trying to cast out an evil spirit.

I saw a man with a light smile say,

I asked them to stop throwing objects at the children and they sprayed me to.

You asked them?

My friends, let’s not confuse matters here.

There is a time to be a loving Christian, and there is a time to put a boot in someone’s rear end. This was the time for the boot.

You make peace when possible, if peace is not possible, then you do what you have to do. When the enemy comes upon you and ends your event. Then steals your equipment, and insists on attempting to harm your children.

It is time to fight.

We pray in Jesus name alright.

This is what we say,

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

Psalms 144:1

How about another one?

He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.

Psalms 18:34

That’s it right there.

Make no mistake about it my friends, our nation and our Christian freedoms were not obtained through people saying, in “Jesus name” only.

It was saying, in “Jesus name”, and then putting in some action.

How many times in the Bible did God send His People into war?

The Bible is not about roses and buttercups my friends.

As I watched those videos, I saw a raged ANTIFA member charge a Christian, who stood his ground. Why all the Christian men did not back him up and jump in, and take that guy out is beyond me. Someone needed to get vocal on the Christian side and rally the men together.

If you are unwilling to do that, then just go home. Don’t bother standing around.

It’s time to wake up my friends.

These things will continue to happen in liberal utopias like Portland. A city that is the sewer pipe of the US. I’ve been there, homeless galore.

After this event, now ANTIFA is more emboldened than they were before.

You know why?

They know they can walk into any Christian event now, and go unchallenged.

Maybe even into your church.

I know being in a position to fight is not fun for most people. Yet, there comes a time to fight for your family, friends, and yes, God. We do not let the enemy disrespect and destroy our worship services, and we certainly do not allow the enemy to harm our children!

Look at those videos and you watch them real good. Look at the body language of everyone. Look how most ANTIFA members stood way off and had to be flagged to come forward.

You know why?

They are cowards.

They don’t want to fight just as much as those Christian’s didn’t want to fight. They are bullies.

Do you know what you do to a bully?

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