Current Events

Learn how Bible prophecy is happening now through current events. I help you understand world news by removing political correctness and partisanship from the discussion. Instead, I allow the Bible to be our guiding Light. 

Israel And Iran Are This Close To War

The Middle East is beyond a dumpster fire at this point… The situation in Gaza is a catastrophe to put it lightly. Over 33,000 Palestinians have been killed now. When is enough, enough? Who knows…

How’s Your Personal Economy Doing?

Inflation… It’s been a tough egg to crack, hasn’t it? I recall going months without buying eggs. Hey, I’m not going to buy certain items when they’re inflated to the moon. The same went for

The World Is Out Of Control

It’s Friday, so I don’t want to start the morning too heavy, but folks… The world is out of control! The last time I checked, I live in America, but leprosy is making a comeback. That’s

Did You Hear What Schumer Said About Israel?

I know some of you are thinking… Who’s Schumer? He just happens to be one of the wizards that run our government. Yep, Chuck Schumer is the Senate Majority leader and he’s a flaming Dem,

My Thoughts On The State Of The Union – 2024

Hopefully you had a chance to catch Biden’s state of the union address. You may not like him, but it’s good to hear things from the horses mouth, before they’ve been filtered through your favorite

NATO Will Be In A Fight With Russia: US Def Sec

The ol fear-o-meter was cranked up a couple more notches the other day. Our esteemed U.S. Defense Secretary, Mr. Lloyd Austin was the cranker. Yes, the same Austin who forgot to tell his boss about

NATO Troops To Ukraine?

This is a wild one… I mean, just when you think things might actually calm down for a moment. That’s about the time the crack pots come out of the woodworks to mess it all

Everything’s Expensive! What Do You Think?

It’s Friday and inflation is still running hot, hot, hot! Joy, huh? I tell you what, inflation is crushing the middle class. It’s gotten so bad, people can’t afford real houses anymore. It makes me

Did Russia Just Threaten To Nuke The West?

Did you hear about it? It’s all over the news… Russia threatened to nuke the West. Here’s one headline: Now, we’ve been hearing about these reports for two years. However, they always fall flat. They’re

Hell Is About To Erupt In The Middle East

If you feel a little hot under the collar, it’s not just you… Someone just cranked up the thermostat in hell, and it’s about to boil over. The latest escalation, more death and destruction in

Wealthy Scoundrels Slaughter Our Minds

Are you noticing just how upside down everything is? I feel like I’m in The Twilight Zone. World leaders continually mask their agenda and pass it off as something good for their people. It doesn’t

We’re On The Highway To Hell

If you thought hell on earth already existed, then buckle up buddy, things are just getting started. We haven’t even entered hell just yet, but we’re on the highway to it. We take a quick

Our Fearful World, How To Overcome It

The world is filled with fear and doom, isn’t it? It seems like we can’t get through a single day of fear before the next one rears its ugly head. What am I talking about?

Why Are Pastors Supporting The Wars?

Have you noticed that lately? Pastors of all shapes and sizes are supporting the raging wars in Ukraine and Israel. It’s not just pastors though, it’s Christian organizations and Christian media outlets. They have a

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