Arizona Schools Not Opening Due To COVID Plan To Charge $200/Week For Daycare

WEB Notes: The schools are so concerned about COVID, they are farming out their facilities for daycare work. Every parent who ever used daycare knows this is the number 1 place kids get sick. Parents take their sick kids to daycare so they don’t have to take the day off, then everyone’s kids get sick. This story helps us understand, most people know the mask COVID thing is a big pile, yet they go along with it to make life easier. Time to make a stand folks.

Gilbert Public School

Black Mountain Elementary

This announcement is from one of three Arizona school districts pulling the same stunt. Mayor de Blasio in New York City is pulling a similar trick. Somehow it is okay for children to arrive in groups in public buildings for child care, but not for schools. This arrangement is absurd on its face.

At least Mayor de Blasio is not charging parents for this ridiculousness. The schools in Arizona are. I have a few simple questions. Who is staffing these facilities to care for school-age children inside school buildings? And why should parents who already pay property taxes to fund the schools have to pay one red cent for the privilege?

If it is school teachers who will be staffing the centers, then they need to be giving a full day of instruction, without charging families a dime. If it is other hired staff, the teachers’ salaries and additional district funds should be diverted to pay them. In other words, stop the nonsense and let’s get to reopening schools.

Source: PJ Media

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