As Agenda 2030 Roars To Life, So Does America’s Social Credit System

The other day, a reader shot over an email with a link to this Hill article. They didn’t say much, only, “You should have fun with this one!”

They were right.

The article did a good job of highlighting everything we have covered on this site, into one article. I encourage you to read it yourself.

We have a lot to cover today, but I want to touch on three points from that article.

Coming Soon: America’s Own Social Credit System

The new domestic “War on Terror,” kicked off by the riot on Jan. 6, has prompted several web giants to unveil predecessors to what effectively could become a soft social credit system by the end of this decade.

You know the end of your nation is near when demographics of people can riot, loot, and destroy sections of cities, around the country, and not a word is uttered against their actions. At the same time, another demographic group of people invades the U.S. Capitol without destruction, and that is a crime against humanity.

Here is what your Federal Government has said about “domestic terror”.

What a racist statement.

Nevertheless, the white man is the enemy now.

The Founding Fathers are the enemy now, and so is the Constitution.

In reality, the Federal government has launched an attack on the American people of all shapes, colors, and sizes.

Divide and conquer, have we learned nothing from the Bible, (Matthew 12:25, Mark 3:24)?

In one breath they chant racism, that is only to divide us up amongst our skin color.

In another breath, they demand we get the COVID vaccine, which is to divide us through fear and paranoia.

Also notice, the author expects a soft social credit system by the end of the decade.

What year will that be?

Why, 2030…

How about more from that article?

Last week, PayPal announced a partnership with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to “investigate” the role of “white supremacists” and propagators of “anti-government” rhetoric, subjective labels that potentially could impact a large number of groups or people using their service.

In their world, if you disagree with the government, you are “anti-government”.

Do you see how this works?

If you do not comply with the mainstream, then you are “anti-” something.

Don’t want a COVID shot?

Well then, you are “anti-vaccine”.

Don’t believe in abortion?

Well then, you are “anti-choice”.

Don’t believe in open borders?

Well then, you are “anti-immigration”.

You get the idea.

They spin this web as it creates negative groups in our minds. No one wants to be seen standing outside of the mainstream. Everyone wants to fit in. So these “anti” terms, which are many, are formed as a form of psychological warfare.

In reality, these people are “anti-freedom”, as they want to remove our rights and destroy what little is left of our nation.

In reality, these people are “anti-human”, as they want to insert a vaccine into your arm against your will.

One more quote from that article.

Facebook is taking similar measures, recently introducing messages that ask users to snitch on their potentially “extremist” friends, which considering the platform’s bias seems mainly to target the political right. At the same time, Facebook and Microsoft are working with several other web giants and the United Nations on a database to block potential extremist content.

I am not going to recap this one, I don’t use Facebook, its a tool of globalists.

Why would I use a tool of the globalists that captures my every thought and uses it against me?

These Are Not Isolated Events

So look at what we covered here, read that article, and see what it covers.

Do you get it yet my friends?

Some people are only looking at each individual event here as if it’s some isolated event.

Sorry friends, all of these events are coordinated at the highest levels and being brought down upon the people. This is all a part of the United Nations Agenda 2030, you know, the Sustainable Development Goals.

The goals the United States has always supported.

So we do not take these events individually, we take them as individual items as a part of a whole. That whole, that goal is to coerce you into their way of thinking and their agenda.

This Is About Control

How can anyone honestly believe COVID is legitimate at this point?

The government tells you to wear your mask, so you slap it on. The government tells you to take it off, you take it off. The government tells you to put it back on, and you comply once again.

My Lord in Heaven, are we not men?

Are we not created after the similitude of God with a working mind to think for ourselves?

While some of us continue to point out COVID-19, and its various variants are exaggerated, and not a danger to the overall population.

Many are busy explaining COVID is from China, COVID is from a lab, COVID is a bio-weapon, and the vaccines are designed to kill us all.

  • Are those stories planted by our enemies, or are we really that easy to divide?
  • Do you see how easy we fall off the wagon?
  • Do you see how easily we lose track of the subject?

The subject and heart of the matter is government seizing control over you.

The heart of the matter is COVID is not as dangerous as our governments have led us to believe.

The heart of the matter is the vaccine is causing the virus to be more dangerous.

The heart of the matter is you, a living breathing child of God have a choice.

You can take the vaccine, or not, period, end of story.

However, your government thinks otherwise.

America’s Social Credit System Is Underway

Your government right this very moment is implementing a social credit system based off of the COVID-19 narrative. It’s not going to be implemented by “the end of the decade”, by 2030, instead, it will be finalized by 2030…

In New York, you now need proof of vaccination in order to enter stores and restaurants. To do, normal everyday stuff. Los Angeles is also considering the same thing.

All regardless if you have natural immunity.

That is tyranny!

Do you realize at least 88% of the United States population has herd immunity right now?

So the COVID vaccine thing, the COVID mask thing, is not about you “doing your part”.

That is propaganda, that is a lie, that is coercion.

Instead, they are implementing a social credit system right now.

They are preparing all of us for it.

I guarantee you one thing.

If they are successful, if they continue to force people to take a vaccine against their will. It will not stop there. In another year or two, it will be something else. Then it will be something else, and slowly but surely, the government will obtain more power while you obtain more bondage, while you lose more freedom.

Remember The Past

Friends, how can we forget the past?

This truly started with 9/11.

Remember that day?

I sure do.

It was devastating, and it led to a massive war on terror that still exists. It led to the foundation of the TSA and naked body scanners at airports. It led to the term, “domestic terrorism”, it led to the loss of our rights as Americans, as humans.

So this COVID thing…

It’s just another link in the chain.

No Vaccine, Feds Will Withhold Funds

Look at this quote from this Stamford Advocate article,

The Biden administration is considering using federal regulatory powers and the threat of withholding federal funds from institutions to push more Americans to get vaccinated

That is coercion.

What happened to “pro-choice”?

What happened to “my body, my choice”?

Apparently, that only counts when it’s murdering the unborn.

My friends, we told you years ago this day was coming. We explained, once we take from the government, we are under their wing.

Why do you think we are not 501(c3)?

The Federal Government will continue to break their own law, our law, We The People in order to push their radical globalist agenda. It matters not who is the President, with each succeeding Presidency, our nation becomes that much worse.

COVID became a thing under a red President, it continues and escalated under a blue President. The same result, one just implements tyranny at a much faster rate.

For those receiving money from the government in the form of; unemployment benefits, social security, the new child welfare tax credit, future UBI (universal basic income). At some point, those incomes will be zapped, unless you comply with the government.

It may not be about COVID then, it will be about something else.

No Compromise, Forced Compliance

The point is, it will not end until the globalists get their way.

There is no compromise.

When they appear to make a compromise, that is only a ruse to get us to move our line in the sand. Then they implement and push for more “anti-human” policies.

Look at this quote from a Harvard professor, who discussed forcing vaccination on the people.

“Don’t want to call them ‘mandates’? That’s fine. Then do what MGM Resorts and the National Football League did and, instead of mandating, make the burden of being unvaccinated so high that people comply.”

Life Site News

That is coercion.

That is flat out wicked and evil.

Taking away your choice as a free human being is wicked and evil.

Especially, when 88% of the U.S. population has herd immunity.

Yet, no one is talking about that at all.

The only point of discussion is that you need a vaccine, so line up before we take your damn job.

I don’t work well with authority when that authority seeks to remove my national and God-given right to make decisions for myself.

I don’t work well with authority when it attempts to force my family into decisions we do not agree with.

So I am telling you as plainly as I can.

This Is About Control

This is not about COVID, this is about control. This is about implementing the Agenda 2030 narrative on a global level.

How can we not see this?

How can a thinking free people not see this?

Why do we allow media personalities, right and left, mainstream and alternative to divert our mind. Look straight ahead, the truth is right there people. All roads lead to globalization.

This is only another link in the chain, another spoke in the wheel to get us there.

This will not end with COVID.

It will continue and manifest itself in things like CBDC (central bank digital currencies), and so on.

I am convinced, the push to radically implement Agenda 2030 began in 2020 with COVID, and it will continue to escalate right on through 2030. We will continue to be told taking away our freedom is protecting us.

Like Apple, who will now monitor the photos you upload for child porn. That too is tied to Agenda 2030, this is all about massive surveillance to ensure you comply with the global agenda. Today is it about child porn, that is only to get their foot in the door.

Tomorrow, it is about those who are “anti-government”.

This will continue to escalate each and everyday from here on out…

Unless, the people stand in the way.

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