Atlanta Cop Being Charged With Murder Of Rayshard Brooks Is Wrong

We have all heard about it in the news, an Atlanta police officer was charged with murder in the shooting of Rayshard Brooks. It was completely justified according to this Sheriff, I agree. The interesting part is what appears to be happening next…


Numerous reports came out last night saying Atlanta law enforcement officers are calling out, as in not reporting for duty.

Last night we jumped on an Atlanta police scanner for Zone 6, one of numerous zones police have outlined for patrols. We heard lots of silence. A dispatcher could be clearly heard calling for officers to respond, responses were next to none.

So the plot thickens, how many officers have called out?

You may find this tweet from Brendan Keefe, Chief Investigator at Atlanta’s WXIA 11Alive interesting.

The twitter account for the Atlanta police has only confirmed police have called out, nothing about quitting…

Atlanta DA Rushing Charges

To add to it here, the Atlanta DA is rushing this along. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation was unaware charges were going to be filed. In this quick clip, here is the Atlanta DA just weeks ago saying a taser is considered a deadly weapon under Georgia law.

Therefore, when Brooks decided to resist arrest and steal a taser from law enforcement and aim it at them, he attempted to use a deadly weapon against law enforcement in order to resist arrest.

If Brooks would have complied as he should have in this case, he would be alive today. There is no one to blame by himself.

Here is the thing…

How Does Law Enforcement Respond Now…

If you serve in law enforcement and have to apprehend a black person now you are going to be terrified of the encounter. You are going to question everything. If you have to use force or your firearm, you may go to prison for the rest of your life. What about your family and so on?

Think about it, what would you do?

If I served in Atlanta, I would probably have to find a new career or transfer. It is better to make that decision than being placed into a position where everyone will want your blood all for a bogus cause.

Our men and woman in blue are extremely distraught right now. If you encounter a law enforcement officer, shake their hand. Tell them we are with them. Our nation is being broken at every angle.

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