Australia: There Will be Contact Tracing In The “New World Order”

Days ago, an Australian journalist asked if contact tracing would be implemented once “we reopen”. In a bizarre response, Australia’s chief medical officer Dr. Kerry Grant said,

We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the new world order.

Australia is going to identify what contract tracing is in the new world order?

  • What exactly does that mean?
  • When Australia reopens, it’s going to be the new world order?
  • Does she even know what the term new world order means?

Psst… Hey lady, Denmark and the UK just ditched vaccine passports.

Global Governance

There is no question, there are efforts underway to create a global government. That has been in the making for decades. In fact, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres just issued a dire warning and explained our world faces “a pivotal moment” in history.

Look what the AP adds,

What’s needed, Guterres said, is not new multilateral bureaucracies but more effective multilateral institutions including a United Nations “2.0” more relevant to the 21st century.

“And we need multilateralism with teeth,” he said.

So when leaders of the state talk about a “new world order” which is a united global government, or “global governance” as the U.N. refers to it, of course, people are going to be concerned.

All of this during a so called pandemic, a big scare over a virus with a 99.9% recovery rate.

The Term New World Order

The National Post attempted to deflate the significance of Dr. Grant’s statement saying,

The term New World Order has been used to define a hypothesis arguing that the world will one day be ruled by totalitarian order, in which a power elite will abolish sovereign nation states and rule the world as one.

They go on to say, the new world order is a “conspiracy theory”.

Now hold on a second here, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres just called for the U.N. to have “teeth”. That means more power to exert control over the world, “global governance”.

Further, people the world over saw their nations became totalitarian all in an effort to “stop the spread” of a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. That absolutely causes concern, especially since most nations acted in unison in their disregard of citizen rights.

They did this by isolating healthy people to prevent the spread of a virus, a first in world history. They did this by requiring us to wear paper and cloth masks, which prevent nothing. They did this by forcing a vaccine upon us, and threatening our jobs if we do not comply.

But people are crazy for questioning such motives, and showing concern over this Doctors statement?

I think not.

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