While Biden Talks Russian War, America Falls Apart

It’s diversion tactics.

The people are like a kitten, we see a ball and there we go chasing after it. Quickly forgetting what we were so intensely focusing on moments before.

You have seen the news, fears of Russia invading Ukraine has been swirling in the news for weeks now. Yesterday, Biden left his Delaware home to meet the press.

Biden was asked if he thought Putin would invade Ukraine.

Biden responded, “He has to do something”.

Say what?

Here is quick clip of the speech, I would give it a listen.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki ratcheted up Biden’s rhetoric saying,

President Biden has been clear with the Russian President: If any Russian military forces move across the Ukrainian border, that’s a renewed invasion, and it will be met with a swift, severe, and united response from the United States and our Allies. President Biden also knows from long experience that the Russians have an extensive playbook of aggression short of military action, including cyberattacks and paramilitary tactics. And he affirmed today that those acts of Russian aggression will be met with a decisive, reciprocal, and united response.

White House

Now the last time I checked sweetie, Ukraine was not a NATO nation.

So why are we going to jump in feet first?

You folks couldn’t fight out of wet paper bag, much less defeat the Taliban.

But you’re going to defeat Mother Russia?


Putin, do us a favor sir.

Give us back Steven Seagal just long enough to Judo chop Biden and his cronies. When he’s done, make sure he gets all the Democrats and RINO’s.

Purdy please.

If Russia Invades Ukraine, U.S. Will Intervine

Now, according to the grapevine, the United States would back Ukraine and send in forces to fight Russia if they invaded Ukraine.

Read this,

“If Putin invades Ukraine with a major military force, U.S. and NATO military assistance — intelligence, cyber, anti-armor and anti-air weapons, offensive naval missiles — would ratchet up significantly,” said James Stavridis, a retired four-star Navy admiral who was the supreme allied commander at NATO. “And if it turned into a Ukrainian insurgency, Putin should realize that after fighting insurgencies ourselves for two decades, we know how to arm, train and energize them.”

This guy is retired, and the media is touting him as a source for the next world war.

Talk about fear mongering.

By the way, who else laughed at?

Putin should realize that after fighting insurgencies ourselves for two decades, we know how to arm, train and energize them.

We just pulled out of Afghanistan last year in the most embarrassing fashion in world history, but we did arm the rebels! ha!

Then CNN ran this headline…

Yes, the same U.S. intelligence that left American’s behind in Afghanistan. The same U.S. intelligence that promotes high heels and skirts for our men and women in uniform. The same U.S. intelligence who left billions of dollars in armaments in Afghanistan.

These people are a disgrace!

Russia Says It’s Fake Newwwsssss

Now mind you, just days ago, Russia’s press secretary was asked if Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine.

This is what he said.

“We’re living in a world of fake accusations, fake news and in a world of lies. Until it is proven somehow […] we will continue to presume it is fake news.”

In this video clip, he flat out denies it.

How right this man is, whether he is telling the truth about an invasion or not.

Republican Response To Biden’s Response

I can tell you, I also see Republicans snapping at Biden for his weak response. That’s right, these political misfits want Biden to rage at Putin. You have to remember, war means massive profits, not to mention, unobstructed power.

The last thing America needs is another war.

Proxy or not.

Certainly not a war with Russia.

Instead of the people fighting wars, I say the leaders of the nations should duke it out in a ring. I am quite certain, there would be a lot less wars that way.

War Talk Is A Distraction

At this point, war talk is nothing more than a distraction. It’s diverting our attention.

Instead, the people of the world should be focusing on the crimes of their governments. The lockdowns, the censorship, the medical tyranny that has hit us all.

We cannot let it slide, we cannot let it go.

The world over, Doctors and Professors continue to speak out about the lies that have been perpetrated against the people. If there is some skirmish, it’s only to stifle the real conversation from ever happening.

Distractions always cover up their crimes and record profits, while enslaving the peoples of the world.

As I cruised through the news today, I saw more signs of America’s decline.

Biden himself is now doubting the outcome of the next election in this nation.

Can you believe it?

When his side won last year, there was no election fraud. Now that it looks like the clown and his party are going down in flames, well, we cannot trust the elections he says.

All that is being sowed in our mind is doubt over the very fabric of our nation.

As we have been saying since forever…

If you do not have free and fair elections.

You do not have a country.

Look, our statues keep coming down.

Our history is being erased.

Our borders continue to stay open, but we are supposed to worry about a new war, and an “invisible enemy”?

You must be off your rocker.

Speaking of the border, look at this gem.

United Nations Funding Illegal Immigrants

Read this,

The U.S.-funded United Nations is providing cash to help job-seeking migrants trek up through South America, Central America, and Mexico, says Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies.

We all knew it was coordinated, we just didn’t understand the details.

Now we do.

Todd had more to say,

They’re giving money out at way-stations up and down the [migrant] trailThere’s a process [in Tapachula]: You get your Mexican [visa] papers, then you go to the UN building next door, get an appointment, and they interview you and look at your situation… It’s not big money, and not all of them get it, but enough get it to sustain them so they don’t have to go home, and so they can go on to the next way station.

The United States of America funds the United Nations with over 20% of its budget. The maximum allowed by the U.N. charter. This means, the United States is funding its own demise. Not to mention, our leaders will not shut down the border.

Mind you, this is the same United Nations your last President said he was going to pull us out of.

Americans, and people of the world.


Your politicians are damned liars, and they deserve a rope.

They take us from one crisis to the next to cover their tracks and ensure their power, wealth, and authority. It’s what dictators do. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Just ask Satan about that one.

So, before you go stand around the water cooler at work today. Make sure you don’t get roped into a conversation about a Russian invasion and a U.S. response.

Who on earth could even back our politicians at this point?

Everything I read is about them selling us out. I continually hear how China and Saudi Arabia are buying up American land. I continually read how megabanks are buying up massive single-family home communities and then renting them out.

Meanwhile, many American’s cannot even afford a home.

This is a crime against the American people.

Yet, our yarn ball was kicked toward the Russians, so there we go chasing after it again.

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