Business Has A Big Role To Play In Vaccinating The World

Look at this article from back in December, it comes from the World Economic Forum. You know, the guys who coined the term, The Great Reset. This title is all about pushing businesses to start forcing vaccination on their employees. If we won’t volunteer, then we will be vol-un-told.

The World Economic Forum explains,

Universally, there’s the belief that the availability of a vaccine will break the spell and we can finally rid ourselves of our masks. But the last mile from ‘vaccine’ to ‘vaccination’ must be trekked before our world can truly start to become safe, and that journey is fraught with challenges.

So there is the big setup.

That is code for, we cannot get back to normal without more control over the people.

I don’t think I know a single person who actually believes we need to be vaccinated to defeat killer COVID. The virus that only kills 0.02% of those infected by it.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) continues to explain the importance of a mass public vaccination effort.

Large employers, given the influence they wield, can significantly alleviate the situation if not entirely remedy it. In the same survey by the Forum, 61.4% of those polled said they would accept their employer’s recommendation to be vaccinated. This means that businesses can play a pivotal role in encouraging vaccine literacy and engendering vaccination trust in the workplace by putting in place structured programmes for knowledge sharing and guidance.

So companies are going to put together massive brainwashing procedures that will include training classes, meetings, emails, and pamphlets. In fact, President Biden is in the process of launching a billion dollar campaign to brainwash the public into accepting the jab.

We all knew this was coming, remember this article; Yale Wages Psychological Warfare To Persuade People To Accept COVID-19 Vaccine?

It gets worse,

To stop the contagion and defang the virus, it will be necessary to vaccinate at least two-thirds of the world.

There are 7.8 billion people on the earth these days. That means they want to vaccinate 5.1 billion people for a virus that has a 99.98% survival rate.

They want businesses to use “contact tracing apps and digital health passports” to track their employees. All so they accept the vaccine in order to “defang the virus” that has not added any excess deaths in the United States.

Do not read over the contact tracing apps and digital health passports bit. That is all about control. In fact, other mainstream media outlets are now promoting the idea that those who accept the vaccine “should have more freedom” than those of us who do not.


The World Economic Forum warns even with vaccination efforts,

We cannot all put away our masks and forgo social distancing protocols for some time.

That right there helps keep the lie going. By wearing masks and social distancing, it keeps this COVID-19 farce alive. It will ensure that this issue stays in the spotlight which continues to destroy our nation and world.

The World Economic Forum adds,

Given that this is adult vaccination at a scale which we have not done ever before, it is only natural that the workplace will emerge as one of the key hubs for evangelizing and expanding vaccination cover.

Again, through mass brainwashing and by applying pressure.

Pressure is also a tool Satan will use when he is on earth claiming to be God. The people will be pressured to serve and worship him. Pressured by him, his angels, and those he has deceived. The pressure will be to accept him, where today the pressure is to wear a mask, social distance, accept a vaccine, including any tracking apps and digital (immunity) passports.

They close by stating,

Now is our chance to be the ambassadors of humanity, moving us all forward together towards a definitive end to the pandemic.

That is one world speak if I ever heard it. The scare of COVID-19 is beginning to wear pretty thin with most. So this amped up push to vaccine our country and world is well timed for those who seek to keep their thumb on us.

Friends, we are moving closer to that time…

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