California Liberals To Remove Columbus Statue From State Capitol

You see how this works? The radicals started riots over so-called “racism” and within just a couple weeks this transformed into removing anything that displays our countries history. We talked about this just a couple of weeks ago, I think we all knew it was going this direction and here we are.

Columbus Is Offensive

Ol Christopher Columbus is deemed offensive to Native Americans they tell us. No one cared before the riots, but now they care. Give me a break already. These left-wing radicals seek to destroy our country, they are attacking its very fabric.

By the way, California has already removed a statue of John Sutter, you know, the guy who discovered gold in California that led to the Gold Rush. Somehow he is offensive too.

Left And Right

You know, I never like to play the left verse right game or the Republican verse Democrat game. But folks, all these problems are in the blue states or cities, that would be the asses, I mean Donkeys called Democrats.

We are hearing about this crap all over the mainstream media, etc. If you tune them out, if you tune into your network of friends or find conservative feeds in your social media channels, you will find thousands upon thousands of people who do not agree with this bull. My wife is always showing me her feeds, as time goes on, it seems more people are speaking out. Folks of all colors, shapes and sizes.

So do not feel like everyone is in agreement with these radicals. The mainstream media, and mega corporations sure are as they went left generations ago. The problem, conservative folks just like to be left alone and do their thing. Live their life, enjoy their family and serve God.

Meanwhile, the radical left works with the Devil and has constantly devised plots to overcome our once blessed nation. They don’t literally work with the Devil lest I add confusion, but they might as well okay, (Ephesians 2:2).

Oh he just brought up the Bible, I sure did!

Erasing Our History

Now, these radical lefties feel so bad about their “white privilege”, they feel so bad about the injustices of the past THAT WE HAD NO CONTROL OVER, that they want to erase our nation’s history.

Why stop at the monuments, I mean the native Americans in this country were pretty much wiped out. Today, they exist on reservations which are socialist states. Do not believe me, I challenge you to stop by any reservation and talk to folks. The government gives money to the “tribal council” who passes it out to the Indian people. I never encountered an Indian Reservation that did not look like a junkyard. Socialism destroyed these people, but I digress.

If the liberals feel so bad about the past, then they should move off the land. To hell with a statue or monument, anyone can trash one of those and say they feel sorry. If the libs really feel sorry, they should move out of their homes, give up their cars and so on. I mean if you want to be a part of the “solution” then really give something up. Move out of the state, the country and so on.

Libs, get one of those ships and float off the coast, then the native Americans can have their country back!

If you really feel bad about the injustices of our ancestors that you had no control over, then put your money where your mouth is.

If you libs are unwilling to do so, then I call bull on your movement.

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