California Sheriff: I’m Not Enforcing Lockdowns

Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims of California said she is not enforcing Governor Newsom’s lockdown orders. The reason, she is too busy re-arresting criminals who are out on the “zero-dollar bail” policy that was implemented in 2019.

So we see politics getting in the way of common sense once again.

Mims was asked,

“I’ve heard multiple sheriffs around the nation state they will not enforce their governors’ shelter-in-place orders. Is that your position?”

The Sheriff’s response,

“That is my position. We do not stop the public to find out what they’re doing when they’re not sheltering in place. We don’t ask those questions, we don’t ask if they’re ‘essential’.”

Sheriff Mims adds a little more heat.

“We’ve got our hands full trying to re-arrest people that are released due to zero-dollar bail. So we’ve got other things that are on our mind that are more important than stopping normally law-abiding citizens.”

Folks, it all starts at the local level, and that is the level we have a say over today. These Sheriffs are standing up for liberty, and you should be too. They are more inclined to stand for liberty when you write, email and call them.

It shows they have your support.

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