Can We Change The Politics Of Government?

One of our readers made a comment on this article with some great questions for me. My response is a bit lengthy for a comment, so we are posting it here for you to read.

Name: Rebecca
Question: Greetings Brandon
Is there anyway in “this” world we can do to change the politics of this government? I am wondering if this is just a part of satans time and we just need to focus on our Heavenly Father, pray for those who need praying for, and hope it passes quickly? It truly makes me sick at my stomach to think the president supports this and is encouraging others to join in and help create the one world government, which I highly suspect that it is already set up and going, they just do not want to let the people know because then they will realize that the time is short and we ARE in the last days, do you agree? next thing you know they will tell us that pedifolia is a mentel illness, and rather than punishment, they need to be institutionalized and put in treatment.

I could go on and on about this, but what good does it do? Just like all the other government things that we do not agree with. Maybe 75 yrs. ago a small group of people could get the governments attention, but not now days. Please if you have any suggestions, let me know.

Thank You, Becca

Answer: Good morning Rebecca, you have some great questions.

This reminds me of a question from a couple of years back.

On one level, I know exactly where you are coming from and I agree. On another level, I disagree.

Let me explain.

If we truly live in the very Last Days, then the course is set and the last bit of Prophecy will play out, fantastic!

However, how can we be 100% certain those Last Days will only be a few years away?

Further, do we want to stand idle in hopes we are right?

If we are wrong, there are grave consequences for the future of our children…

Christians Need To Stand

Many of us feel a little helpless here, but people can and do make a difference, even in our dark world. Look at the U.S. States now banning abortion on various levels. As Todd pointed out the other day, this is no doubt in part due to the movie “Unplanned” that recently came out.

Now someone made a difference. Someone decided to make a stand and shelled out money and no doubt a lot of their time to make that documentary happen. It is now affecting our government.

I feel we need more Christians willing to make a stand.

  • We need more Christians to stop supporting companies who support sin.
  • We need more Christians willing to support Christian companies and organizations.
  • We need more Christians to demand more from our politicians, not make excuses for them.

If more Christians spoke out, the world would not be headed so far south. When we stay silent, the only voice people hear is the one coming from the wicked. That then shapes our world to become more wicked. Without a defense, it will triumph. If anyone doubts that, have a look around. Look at our corrupted churches, government and so on. The problem is, Christians are not holding people accountable to God’s Word.

Satan’s World

Look, this has been Satan’s world (God is in control) since the time of Adam, and that was thousands of years ago.

We cannot lay all the blame at Satan’s feet for the state of our world. We play a role when we allow wicked to triumph, especially when we know better.

Israel allowed that to occur all throughout the Bible.

When Moses went to the mountain, Aaron no less helped the people sin. When good people stopped standing for God, evil triamphed.

Over and over throughout the Bible, the people veered from God and came wallowing back when they were so deprived they could not take it anymore. But it always took followers of God to make a stand, the book of Judges comes to mind.

Remember, each and every day we walk this earth can be a defining moment for us.

The Last Days

When we talk about the Last Days, does anyone ever wonder how long those days will be?

A day with the Lord is a thousand years to mankind, (2 Peter 3:8). So how long will the Last Days last?

If we lose hope now, what world will our children inherit?

Folks have been looking for the Return of Christ since He left this earth 2,000 years ago. I feel we are closer than ever, but who am I but a mere man?

I remind myself of this often. I want to know that if I go out due to old age, I made some small stand and tried to make a difference. Each of us can do that in some small way, even just educating our own family.

My Friend

I had a friend many years ago who was pretty wise in the Word. It was 15 years ago I recall and he said, “what is the point of getting married and having kids. This world will be done and over in the next few years”. I told him, “no one knows for certain how long things will go on”.

We disagreed that night.

15 years later, I am married and have three children. For the last 10 years, I have been trying to help people understand the Bible and world events.

So we can never give up, we just do not know how long things will carry on for.

So We Stand

Some of us are able to run for local office.

Some of us are able to raise up new Christian organizations.

The rest of us can choose where to spend our money and stand for God in their personal life.

It takes all of us, it takes the church, it takes the whole body of Christ to make that stand.

If we fail to do so, one thing is certain, we are inadvertently helping to extinguish our Father’s Light.

Instead, we need to be that shining Light, (Matthew 5:14). We need to go out in full force whether or not we live through the Last Days.

What do we really have to lose? (Psalms 56:11, 118:16)

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