CDC Admits Fatality Rate Of COVID-19 Is 0.4%

The evidence just continues to pile on the world over, COVID-19 has been hyped to no end. The CDC, that would be the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is now stating their “best estimate” is COVID-19 has a 0.4% fatality rate.

For our international readers, the CDC is an official wing of the U.S. Government. This is a crushing blow to COVID-19 propaganda. The CDC just sank their own ship.

CDC: COVID-19 Has 0.4% Fatality Rate

The CDC further clarified the 0.4% fatality rate for COVID-19. They explain, for those aged 65 and older, the fatality rate of COVID-19 is 1.3%.

Of course, in the linked article, they did not explain how many of those 65 and older already had chronic illness.

Remember, the CDC said,

Older people and people of all ages with severe chronic medical conditions â€” like heart disease, lung disease and diabetes, for example — seem to be at higher risk of developing serious COVID-19 illness. â€“ CDC: Coronavirus Disease 2019

I think we all understand, that is just common sense.

The CDC went on to explain, for people 49 and under, the fatality rate of COVID-19 is 0.05%!

Read that again, 0.05%.

Now I want you to remember, the CDC recommended the health industry label a death as COVID-19 if it is “suspected” or “likely”. Then add in all the deaths of people who were already ill, or those who also had flu or pneumonia. That would reduce the CDCs 0.4% even further, not that we need to do that at this point.

Additional Thoughts

Folks, we have documented to everyone for months now, from officials studies, and doctors that COVID-19 is not as dangerous as it has been made out to be. This additional evidence only continues to validate everything we have presented to you.

When we understand COVID-19 has a 0.4% fatality rate or less, and factor in there are at least a dozen variants of the virus. This means there is absolutely no need for a vaccine. None. Zero. Zip.

Further attempts by the government or mainstream media to promote COVID-19 propaganda and vaccination only further proves what we have explained to you. This “crisis” is about controlling you! Do not stay silent. Share these reports with your local elected officials. Mayors, Governors, Police, and Sheriff office.

There is a big push in the mainstream media right now for vaccination, forced vaccination. Do not stay quiet, do not embrace your chains. Otherwise, if the time ever comes, you will have no one to blame but yourself. We always have to try to do what is right, that is the Christian way.

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