CDC Fears “Impending Doom” As COVID Surges 17%, But The Best Part…

Doom, fear, dread! If you can’t find it from the web, you can find it from the mouth of your government. It seems no one these days wants to remain calm. No, there must be fear. You see with fear, you can drive agendas.

Enter the case of CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.

In an “emotional plea” on Monday she said,

I’m going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom.


Lady, we have had enough of your doom and gloom over the last year.

In Walensky’s mind, COVID killing .02% of the population, IF they become infected is the end of the world. I wonder what flu’s mortality rate is… The flu that disappeared by the way.

The ABC article continues,

Walensky has repeatedly warned that the country would face another, avoidable surge in COVID-19 cases if Americans didn’t keep wearing masks, avoid travel, and continue social distancing until more of the population is vaccinated.

I found it comical the mainstream media is reporting… A fourth wave.

Look folks, if the first three didn’t kill us all, neither will the fourth. This is fear and paranoia being promoted by your government.

So here’s the thing.

The country has kept COVID-19 mandates in place to a large degree. I see people with masks wherever I go. Only South Dakota, Florida, and Texas have really done otherwise. As we all know, South Dakota never locked down and they have always been fine.

So Walensky is either a conspiracy nut way out in left field, or she is globalist vermin. Take your pick.

So let’s talk about some numbers here…

COVID Infections Increase By 17%, But…

According to Axios,

On average, roughly 63,000 Americans per day were diagnosed with coronavirus infections over the past week. That’s a 17% increase from the week before, and echoes the rising caseloads of the pandemic’s second wave last summer.

Fear, dread, doom. You get it.

So COVID cases are up 17%.

Here is the best part though.

More than 99 million people have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and more than 56 million people — 17% of the nation’s population — have been fully vaccinated, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


So 17% of the American population is now vaccinated, and we have a 17% rise in COVID cases.

If you ask me, it would appear that vaccination is doing nothing to stop the spread of COVID. In fact, as more Americans become vaccinated, the cases are rising dramatically. We should note, in open Texas, the COVID numbers are falling.

So who exactly is coming up with these COVID numbers?

You Got COVID, If It’s “Suspected Or Likely”

We have to remember what we learned in the past. Someone can be diagnosed with COVID if it is “suspected or likely”. A patient does not even have to be tested! We all remember that one.

By the way, I drove by a COVID testing station a couple of times one day, in a heavily populated area mind you. Not a single person was in line to get tested. Instead, the “COVID Testers” were sitting in their hazmat suits in the shade playing on their phone. Comical!

Back to this AP article.

They go on to state how MLB season is beginning and baseball parks are opening up. So Walensky is concerned about you going outside without a mask, but we can have baseball season?

Look, if you are really scared of dying from COVID…

Why would you even leave your house?

I mean seriously people.

I’ll tell you what, no man or woman ever made a wise decision in their life based on fear. Do you realize the phrase ‘fear not’ is found in the Bible nearly 100 times? Christians don’t fear, and we certainly do not play into fear and doom which only promotes it.

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