CDC: Latest Survival Rate For COVID Is… 99.98%

Update: Even the Delta variant had a 99.9% survival rate.

This information comes right from the CDC website. We will break down the numbers so you understand how this all pans out.

The Five Scenarios

On this CDC document, scroll down to The Five Scenarios section. There you will find the following quote,

The five COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios represent a range of possible parameters for COVID-19 in the United States. All parameter values are based on current COVID-19 surveillance data and scientific knowledge.

So we know the data we are discussing has been captured from the real world and is based on their own admitted “scientific knowledge”.

Now scroll down to, “Table 1. Parameter Values that vary among the five COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios,” where we have the following table.

CDC: Parameter Values that vary among the five COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios

You will note, under “Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate” they list the “Infection Fatality Ratio” for COVID-19. That means, these are the numbers they have obtained from real world testing.

Let’s convert those numbers to percents so we can understand the data!

For those aged 0-19 we see the infection fatality ratio is .00003. Multiply that number by 100, then subtract by 100 to get the percent for each age bracket. When we do that, it comes out too…

  • Aged: 0-19, 99.997% chance of surviving COVID.
  • Aged: 20-49, 99.98% chance of surviving COVID.
  • Aged: 50-69, 99.5% chance of surviving COVID.
  • Aged: 70+, 94.6% chance of surviving COVID.

Unbelievable right!?

How bizarre then does this make our world appear?

Notice, we placed the second row in bold, let me tell you why.

Median U.S. Age

The median age of the U.S. population in our country is 38.4 years old.

Source: Statista

So for the average American, IF you become infected with COVID-19, your survival rate is 99.98%.

So why are we locked down again?

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