Chaos In Israel As Rocket Attacks And Retaliation Continue

It’s all over the news, you have heard of numerous rocket attacks and more, but what started it all…

Israel’s army on Monday said it launched airstrikes on Gaza in response to rockets fired by Hamas militants after hundreds of Palestinians were hurt in clashes with Israeli police at a religious site in Jerusalem.


Neither side is innocent in this.

Yet, Israel started the aggression in clashes with hundreds of Palestinians during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. Islam takes this month and holiday very seriously.

I find it interesting that this sudden catastrophe comes at a time when Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is having major political problems.

Is this a diversion from his own political failures and potential ouster?

Who knows.

This is what we do know:

Confrontations between Israeli security forces and protesters have been escalating for weeks. The clashes started at the beginning of Ramadan, almost a month ago, when Israeli police put up barriers to stop people sitting in the Damascus Gate plaza, a popular gathering area during Ramadan. Young Palestinians protested what they saw as Israeli authorities disrupting their religious and social traditions.

Then on April 16, the first Friday of Ramadan, tensions escalated further when Israel imposed a 10,000-person limit on prayers at the al-Aqsa Mosque. Tens of thousands of Palestinians were turned away.


So do not be fooled into believing this started overnight, or the Palestinians are the cause of this latest calamity.

Further, it is believed over 400 rockets have been launched into Israel by Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization. Israel launched retaliatory strikes into Gaza which targeted Hamas leadership.

“We are in the midst of a campaign,” he said. “Since yesterday, the IDF has been attacking hundreds of Hamas and Islamic Jihad sites in Gaza. We have neutralized commanders, we have hit many of their quality targets. Hamas will be struck in ways that it did not expect.”


Yet, television reports show massive damage to civilian infrastructure which is typically the case.

There is no doubt terrorists are mixed in. Yet, remember the cause of this event to begin with. Israel placing limits on those who can visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan. This is the Mosque on the temple mouth, one that has caused much world strife.

According to Business Insider, 26 Palestinians and 2 Israeli’s have been killed in the semi-war. Here is some video coverage of the event.

We will have to watch and see what other news comes out of Jerusalem. It has always been a sore spot for the world and has always been the center of attention. Will this fizzle out, or materialize into something bigger…

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