Chaos In The Streets Of America

An estimated 600 vehicles rolled into Portland Oregon yesterday to show their support for President Trump. These are red-blooded Americans who are tired of watching their cities be overrun by radical left mobs.

Conservative Americans Rally

There is no doubt, the heart of these people is certainly in the right place. I have been wondering where all the conservative folks have been, and yesterday they decided to come out and wave their flags.

Unfortunately, the night ended with the death of one individual who the mainstream media identified as a Trump supporter. There were fights and other small skirmishes throughout the night.

I think it’s unfortunate the American people have to do the job of local law enforcement and local government.

I can only think this is by design.

The chaos we are now seeing in the street of America resembles the beginning stages of a civil war. Those of us on the right are only going to take so much before there is push back.

Yesterday, we saw some fairly peaceful pushback. I will say once again, such sights are unfamiliar to us here in the United States. Our nation continues to change by the day due to a massive agenda against the people. Dividing one against another, (Mat 12:25).

St. Louis: Two Police Officers Shot

The news did not fare any better in St. Louis Missouri yesterday. Two police officers were shot while responding to a shooting call. One of the officers is in critical condition after being shot in the head.

Chicago: Two Police Officers Shot

Another day. Another city. Another shooting.

This time two officers were injured while responding to a report of a man driving around with a firearm. The officers were injured while trying to apprehend him.

New York: Man Fights Two Police Officers In The Street

I found the next video extremely disturbing. A man decides it is okay to physically throw down on two New York police officers. Obviously, the guy was a bit too much for these boys in blue.

Where are their tasers?

Thought On The Chaos

We have all heard about the enormous number of criminals who have been released from prison around the country due to COVID-19. We were told, we can reduce the spread of COVID-19 by releasing prisoners, as if prison is the only place you can catch this overhyped virus.

Since that time, we have seen riots, the burning of buildings, thefts and murder to levels I have not seen before. We will never know “officially”, yet, I think much of that blame can be pinned on governments decision to release these criminals.

Also factor in herd mentality. When one person commits a crime, throws a rock through a window, etc. It emboldens everyone else to do the same and that is exactly what we have witnessed this year.

Question For You

In past shootings, the mainstream media immediately rolls out their gun control propaganda. Guilting us to give up our firearms.

In all of the shootings that have taken place, can I say this year… I have not heard a single call through the mainstream media for firearm control.

Why is that?

It makes one wonder.

One thing is certain, chaos is being promoted around our country. Right is being pitted against the left. Everyone is being divided against another to levels we have not witnessed in this nation, in our lifetime.

There is no doubt, this chaos is not only by design, but desired.

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