Chick-fil-A CEO Calls for White Christians to Repent for Racism

Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy has proven beyond a shadow of doubt, he does not care about Christianity. He only cares about his profit margin. Cathy is telling Caucasians they should feel guilty about something they did not do.

If Cathy feels so damn guilty about his “white privilege” then why is he still holding onto his dough? Why does he not give away all his money to people of color? Because he is a hack, a fool, a tool of vermin to get you to feel bad about your race and cause division.

How about Dan Cathy repent for supporting homosexual groups with profits from Chick-fil-A? No, we’re not going to do that, because the world agrees with homosexuality. To hell with what God said! One day, it will be to hell with them.

Remember from the linked article what Chick-fil-A’s COO said,

‘There’s no question we know that, as we go into new markets, we need to be clear about who we are’

It is plain as day what Chick-fil-A is all about, profit. The whole support Christian thing may have had good intentions in the beginning, but it clearly is a ploy for Christian support which they receive.

Chick-fil-A is now no different than other companies who pander to the left to stay “creditable”. I tell you what, Cathy better pull his head out of the sand. Being popular with the world means you are not popular with God.

Hey friends, mark um.

Mark the people who stand against God and withhold your business from them. I will never, ever take my family to another Chick-fil-A restaurant. I already made that vow when they supported homosexual groups, so let this be a reminder.

We do not support those who oppose God and common sense, period.

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