China, China, China.

I received an email the other day asking if we could do a Bible study on China since they have been in the news so much these days. I will not be able to fit that in right now, and China is not really mentioned in Scripture.

However, I want to take this opportunity to discuss China, its role in the news, and the world. We also need to understand the mainstream media, on the right and left is controlled. We are only provided with reports that fit specific narratives for the world, you always want to remember that.

In this article, we are going to discuss current and historical events to bring this all together for you.

China Blamed For The Pandemic

Think about COVID-19.

It has been blamed on the Chinese as many believe the virus originated in China. Yet, as the pandemic was occurring, Lysol cans already existed that stated their product killed “human coronavirus”. So from the get-go, we knew COVID-19 was not that big of a deal.

As time marched on, the CDC documented COVID-19 has a mortality rate of just .02%, which means, you have a 99.98% survivability rate if you even become infected with Coronavirus.

Just recently, a doctor from Johns Hopkins University compiled data from the CDC that proved there is “No Evidence That COVID-19 Created Any Excess Deaths”.

So in reality, China is being blamed for the pandemic that never was. In reality, it was our U.S. President who declared a national emergency when only 50 Americans died, supposedly of COVID-19.

A national emergency that our President still has not lifted, though verbally, he discredits Coronavirus while rushing a national vaccination program.

The CDC added to the coordinated event by saying any death can be labeled as COVID-19 if it is “suspected or likely”. This led to the inflated numbers the controlled mainstream media, left and right, continually promote.

Did China do all of that?


Now China is no saint nation, not by a long shot. They are a Communist nation that has eliminated Christianity from within their borders.

China And Politics

That brings us to politics.

Numerous news outlets and independent websites continue to blame China for the world’s problems, including the United States political problems.

As of this writing, there is news circulating about a Chinese spy infiltrating our government. We have reports of Chinese hackers, Chinese supporting the Biden’s, and so on.

P.S. Do you really think the United States has not done that to China? Talk about calling the kettle black.

China And Reality

Now for some history…

For years upon years, the United States of America outsourced businesses and jobs to the Chinese Communists. This was made possible due to America having the highest corporate taxes in the world.

As the businesses vanished, our government never did a thing to stop the exodus. Our government never did a thing to lower corporate taxes and keep our wealth, power, and blessings within our own borders.

Corporate America had no issues with this in the long run. They could now produce products cheaper in China, bypassing the American worker.

So we sent the plans for our products to China so they could be manufactured by foreigners and sold back to us increasing the profit margins of corporate America. Americans themselves did not notice right away, the prices at the store went down, though the quality of our products suffered dramatically.

As time progressed, China stole our ideas, stole our products and then manufactured their own by selling cheaper clones of our products with the profits all going to China.

What businessman in their right mind would ever think its okay to send off their million dollar idea to a foreign and communist nation? I suppose greed knows no bounds.

So here we are.

We all knew this moment was coming, we kicked the can down the road until we ran out of road.

We squandered the blessings God gave us, so a few could have more than they needed, passing our wealth to a Godless nation.

So to say China is the problem, to blame China for the world’s woes is quite an exaggeration. It is simply what the mainstream media and your own government would like you to believe.

It keeps us focused and upset with China, when we should be focused and upset with our own politicians.

China Compared To Iran

I want you to think about China, and compare them to Iran and Syria. If China were either nation, they would have been bombed years ago.

In fact, Syria was attacked by a global “Coalition Of Forces” due to a “humanitarian crisis”. This new reason to attack a nation was formulated by people like George Soros and it is called, “The Responsibility To Protect” doctrine, and the U.S. spearheaded the agenda.

Yet, China can use slave labor to manufacture products that are sold back to us here at home. China can banish Christians and place Muslims in internment camps and that is okay. China can hack our computer networks, no problems.

Hey, the United States still does billions upon billions of dollars worth of business with China who is supposed to be our sworn enemy…

Does anyone else not see the rub here?

Americans Have Been Conditioned

Suddenly, Americans are acting surprised that China has now risen in power. As if they forgot that our elected leaders and businesses sent our wealth to China years ago.

Where on earth have these people been?

Have we forgotten history that quickly?

I do not mean to sound rude, but unfortunately, this is common human behavior. No one ever wants to recognize a problem, until the problem is standing right in front of us.

So why are more people not talking about these things?

It all comes down to control.

Everything we watch, everything we allow our minds to consume is controlled and calculated for a desired outcome. To direct us down one globalist path.

So how much “media” are you allowing into your mind, without thinking what is being promoted to you, and for what reason?

You know the word “media” actually means,

“The main means of mass communication”.

How about mass brainwashing?

All people, including Americans, have become conditioned to accept whatever we see on a screen or read on a piece of paper, without ever questioning the thought, after all, it came from a “creditable source” we are told.

On another note, I find it remarkable that Christians know we live in a morally depraved world surrounded by lies and sin. We even know Satan is the god of this world, yet, we somehow expect the media to report honestly, (2 Corinthians 4:4)?

Have we lost our marbles?

The Reality Is A New World Order

In the end, everything that is promoted in our world is about division and confusion. Dividing the people from each other, hence “social distancing”, no church, closing our businesses, and so on.

Dividing the people in their beliefs, dividing the left from the right until they have reached a point where they can no longer function together…

You have to realize, the ultimate goal of the globalists is a unified world order. A new world order government. It will include the land of the United States and certainly the land of China.

The goal is for the people to eventually reject their own governments. Once that happens, it will be much easier for the people to accept a new governmental alternative. This new alternative will probably sound really good, yet it will enslave the people more than ever before.

Instead of recognizing this and seeing where this is all headed, we are directed by the mainstream media and alternative media outlets to focus on China as if they are the real problem.

They are a problem, they are not the problem.

The problem is our own politicians who for years have sold us down the river. Sold us out to special interests and have continued to trade with China which has taken advantage of the situation and used it to boost their own nation.

What else would you expect from Godless Communists?

Never forget who created this reality. Our own people, our elected officials, the Republicans, and the Democrats. The same elected officials who in word say the United Nations is a bad thing, but continue to write check after check to the United Nations (U.N.). A check that amounts to more than the contributions of 176 nations combined.

That can only mean one thing.

The government, the Republicans, and Democrats seek a global union as they have funded it more than any other nation on earth since its inception.

Now that speaks volumes.

Of course, since you did not hear this from the “media”, it’s not a “creditable source”, so it must not be true.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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