China Forces Abortions On Religious, Ethnic Minorities

WEB Notes: Forget the fact this occurred in China. The communist way is the globalist way. This is all about population reduction and by now, we have all seen the Georgia Guidestones and heard about Agenda 2030.

Yet, how many in the mainstream talk about these things? None of them. Instead, they are keeping your mind focused on Democrat verse Republican as if that has ever given us back our freedom or lowered our taxes. You cannot fix a problem unless you know the source of the issue.

There are evil people who control our government. They control both political parties, and unless you figure that out, you are helping the problem along.

Several reports have revealed that hospitals in Xinjiang, China forced families exceeding the designated number of children allowed under the Communist regime to have abortions.

“The regulations were so strict: there had to be three or four years between children. There were babies born at nine months who we killed after inducing labor. They did that in the maternity wards, because those were the orders,” she added.

Even if mothers were “eight and nine months pregnant,” babies still had to be aborted. Abdulla noted that babies who were just born were also killed by medical staff who later disposed of the bodies.

Source: Christian News

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