China Orders Christian Church to Discontinue Online Worship

Globalists are the enemy of God, globalists go by many names my friends. Some of them call themselves; Communists, Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, and Liberals. Your enemy has stolen and subverted everything that ever had value to you. Now, they want to steal God from your heart.

It is not only happening in China, but right here in the United States. Your churches are shuttered, your pastors have been muffled, and God begins to fade from our hearts.

Will you let Him fade away?

I do not care what happens moving on, you have a Bible, open it, and read it. Do not rely on men to tell you what God said. Now more than ever before, every pastor or would-be pastor will tell you everything is a sign from God. Yes, all the so called experts will come out of the woodworks, because doom is upon us.

Will you listen to them?

I certainly hope not.

Game time is approaching, these are only the warm-ups. Do not confuse the two, or you just might end up playing for the other team…

Church In China

Now China just shut down more online Christian services.

How did they do it?

Let’s read about it from Breitbart.

“The Chinese government has created a high-tech surveillance state, utilizing facial recognition and artificial intelligence to monitor religious minorities”.

We have the same systems in the United States, and have you forgotten about all of our social media profiles? We have shared our data with them for years and years, do not think this is only happening in China.

Your church service is shut down as well. Just under a different pretense.

Listen to one member of this Chinese church, listen to him explain what the government told him.

One church member, Zhang Jiangqing, said that police came to his house and threatened harsh treatment if he continues to listen to Wang’s sermons.

“Don’t participate in already banned [religious] activities anymore! Don’t listen to Pastor [Wang]’s sermons anymore! If you do this again, we will deal with it seriously and take you away!” Zhang said.

If you do not listen to the government, they will take you away.


Government is not your friend, government has never been your friend. The Constitution is our friend, but government is comprised of men who seek out their own best interests.

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