China’s Bans Effeminate Men From TV, Promotes “Traditional Culture”

Yes, we are talking about Communist China here. While the West typically blames China for the world’s ills, it is China that is actually halting immoral behavior and promoting morality.

No, the Chinese government did not suddenly become Christian.

China Bans Effeminate Men From TV

However, the government of China realizes homosexual behavior is destroying their own culture and society as a whole.

Check out this quote from the AP.

China’s government banned effeminate men on TV and told broadcasters Thursday to promote “revolutionary culture,” broadening a campaign to tighten control over business and society and enforce official morality.

Here is more of the story from Bloomberg.

The National Radio and Television Administration used the word “niangpao,” which roughly translates to “sissy men,” in guidance to TV companies, telling them to “strictly control the selection of program actors and guests.” It’s the first time the government used the term, which is often used to insult or bully gay men, in official communication. Last week, the same body called for boycotting “fan culture” in general and gay male love stories in particular.


Can you imagine if the U.S. Government called homosexual men “sissy men”, and then demanded they be yanked off the air?

That’s what China is doing.

Apparently, their politicians have a higher degree of morality compared to our our own.

China didn’t stop there though.

China To Promote Traditional Culture

Broadcasters should avoid promoting “vulgar internet celebrities” and admiration of wealth and celebrity, the regulator said. Instead, programs should “vigorously promote excellent Chinese traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture.”


China is also requiring television broadcasters to cease promoting internet celebrities. Instead, they should promote traditional Chinese values.

Who can argue with that?

Does promoting wealth and fame actually benefit society?

The answer should be obvious.


Promoting fame, celebrity, and homosexuality has done nothing positive in our world. Instead, our world continues to slide into moral depravity due to these now accepted practices.

Blasphemy Says U.S. Culture

Now in the United States, I am sure there is outrage in certain circles over these developments.

That only shows how far our culture and society has fallen away from God. While Christians should never hate sinners, we certainly should not embrace or promote homosexuality which is a sin.

Neither should we embrace and promote celebrities which only seek to glorify themselves.

We are continually told we need to be more accepting and tolerant of others, but where exactly has that gotten us?

Has it really made our world better, or has it made it worse?

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