‘Christianity Doesn’t Belong In China’: Govt. Demands Churches Replace Crosses With National Emblem

Another day in China, another red boot on the neck of Christians in the communist nation. In the last two years, we have seen a dramatic crackdown on Christianity in China, and it continues to escalate.

Bitter Winter reports,

In July, the government of Lanling county’s Dazhongcun town, administered by the prefecture-level city of Linyi in Shandong Province’s, toppled crosses from numerous state-approved Three-Self Church venues.

Other religious symbols and phrases were also removed from the buildings by the government.

What I want you to notice here is these churches were “state-approved”. The government approved of them, but policy changed and now they no longer approve of them.

Folks, you better wake up and pay attention.

That is how conditioning works. You give a little and conform to the new normal. Whatever that new normal or new policy is. We give in and go along with it. Then down the road, the government changes that, and we have to give away more of our freedoms until we have no freedom left.

It’s the frog in the pot scenario.

Back to China.

A local government official was bold enough to say,

“Crosses must be removed from all churches because Christianity does not belong in China.”

Christianity does not belong in China.

Don’t be so quick to point at China, last time I checked, churches are closed in the United States. Don’t give me an excuse for why. Churches are closed, period. That has never happened before.

Little by little, we conform.

The Director for Three-Self Church explained,

“All official churches were ordered to replace their seals so that believers accept the Party as the main leader and follow only it.”

Communists hate God as it means there is some entity higher than man, and non-believers just cannot stomach the thought. So they force their will upon us.

Things are not so different here in the states. We are only at a different level of progression in our race to remove God from society.

Little by little, we conform.

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