Christians Smeared In Mainstream Media Hit Piece On Capitol Riots

The Washington Post smeared Christians in a disrespectful hit piece concerning the Capitol riots on January 6th. They caulked Christians up to rogue renegades looking to get even with big brother. This was just yet another attack on Christiandom and our nation’s Christian heritage, which the mainstream continues to deny.

The Washington Post speaks of the Capitol rioters.

For many, their religious beliefs were not tied to any specific church or denomination – leaders of major denominations and megachurches, and even President Donald Trump’s faith advisers, were absent that day. For such people, their faith is individualistic, largely free of structures, rules or the approval of clergy.

Greenwich Time

From the beginning of their article, they attacked Christians, but specifically, those who are non-denominational and not tied to any major faith movement. This becomes the subject of the entire article. So failing to conform to some faith group means, you are not accountable and more than likely, a nut job.

Look at this next part,

Many forces contributed to the attack on the Capitol, including Trump’s false claims of electoral victory and American anger with institutions. But part of the mix, say experts on American religion, is the fact that the country is in a period when institutional religion is breaking apart, becoming more individualized and more disconnected from denominations, theological credentials and oversight.

Now why do you think that is?

Americans are fed up with institutionalism. All it has ever done is fuel division and true hatred. Look no futher than social media censorship and all the “woke” companies. If you think homosexuality is a sin, well then, you are an enemy of the state.

All institutionalism does is tell you what to think and believe while consolidating power and wealth into the hands of a few. It’s completely unnecessary in the Information Age. Yet, they paint the individualist mind in a negative light.

The article goes on to say, denominational Christians were present at the Capitol riots, ensuring they pinned the blame on all Christians. Then they direct their attention toward the non-denominational Christian once again by stating,

Among them are those of Bauer, who wrote to a judge last month that she’s a “free living soul” and an “ambassador of Christ,” and of Jake Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman” who prayed to Christ at a dais in the Senate and calls himself a “multidimensional being.”

That would be a true nut job.

You cannot pray to Christ and believe you are a multidimensional being. Notice, the mainstream media has continued to place this guy into the spotlight. As if he represents your average Christian.

The reason, he is a complete nut job and verified QAnon hack. That movement has done more to destroy Christianity than anything else I have seen in a long time.

Thanks to that movement, people spend more time chasing down conspiracy theories than they do reading the Bible, all while saying it’s tied to God.


Then here is comes…

Some have found in recent years a growing overlap between White Americans who put a high value on individualism and libertarianism and those who embrace Christian nationalism, a cultural belief that America is defined by Christian identity, heritage and social order and that the government needs to protect it.

They painted Whites, individualists, libertarians (small government), and Christians in the colors of the enemy.

How exactly is that not “hate speech”?

They just deemed my values as racist and problematic.

This is a growing trend we continue to see from the institutions of the world, and they wonder why we are rebelling against their collective institutionalism?

They want to tell us what to think and believe, and if we fail to conform, then we are deemed the enemy. Folks, that is the agenda of globalists conforming the world to a new collective ideal. Where everyone is right, except for those who love Christ and Country.

Meanwhile, we have conspiracy groups on the right pointing out some of this.

My opinion, that’s to get you to buy into the conspiracy. Meanwhile, you are led down a never ending rabbit hole of lies. That’s not God’s way, that’s Satan’s way.

So just who is behind all these conspiracies being espoused as truth…

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